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Poorly played basketball

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I play basketball quite regularly, mainly due to the fact that theres a court at my place of work. Anyway, if u guys just want somewhere to have a shoot around and get practice, then theres a free outdoor court at the burton street project in Hillsborough, next door to morrisons. the court is quite small but well maintain with a good surface, with floor markings, the court is rarely in use after 5 and is ideal for a small group. it might have a picture on the website? http://www.burtonstreet.org.uk

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Hey people,


I posted a thread similar to this a while back but there were hardly any takers. If I could get a rough idea of the numbers willing to play I would try to find a sports hall somewhere. What would be the best night for everyone? How about Tuesdays?


Get your names down on here, lets make a go of it!!

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I would be looking for a two hour booking preferably if we are going to get a hall.


Bit too cold for outdoor at that kind of time. Plus the outdoor Adidas rims aren't too forgiving, especially if you're a bit rusty!


If we're booking a hall though need more numbers.... COME ON PEOPLE!


There was more interest than this last month!!

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As you can probably imagine, there are free courts everywhere in America, as well as a basket outside probably one house in five. They do a great job of giving youngsters somewhere to blow off the energy, and reduce the chance of chavvery and vandalism. I sometimes go to our local court to watch the kids play, teenagers mostly, black and white, guys and girls. Sometimes 20 at a time, all on court at the same time, banging away in the paint or throwing amazing 3 pointers from way beyond the perimeter. It's the American equivalent of a football kickoaround with jackets as goal posts. Baketball is America's best sport.

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