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Squirrel Problems in S11

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On 13/10/2006 at 11:39, Moyesyside said:

Has anyone noticed the influx of squirrels in the last 2 weeks? Its as if the Pied Piper has cruised into town. Whats the best way of despatching these things? Shoot them? Poison them? Hang by the neck until dead? Would you even think about `kerbing` them.

"kerbing them" or "curbing them" ?  


I must admit, they don't bother me.  I quite like to see them.  I have several coming into my garden every day.  I've not really considered it to be an infestation so far, then again, I don't live in S11, so maybe I'm underestimating the scale of the problem up there?  

On 13/10/2006 at 11:56, TimmyR said:

I know I had 42 in my lounge last night.

You must have been entertaining them?  I hope you checked to see if any of them had a nut allergy first?

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There is no grey squirrel problem where I live.  When I lived in Sheffield there was a lot of grey squirrels, use to see them all the time.  I’ve never seen one since I moved to Newcastle.  It could be because Sheffield is a greener city than Newcastle.  Also there is a lot of red squirrels in parts of Northumberland and I think in County Durham to.  By eradicating the greys the reds seem to be thriving up here.

They set traps to catch grey squirrels then kill them.  Some people eat the greys and I have seen squirrel pie for sale in a village in Northumberland, I don’t fancy grey squirrel for tea.  
I have never tried rabbit but I was told grey squirrels taste the same.

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It is an offence under section 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) to introduce and release grey squirrels into the wild.  Therefore if you trap them you cannot then release them elsewhere. 

They cause damage to trees by stripping the bark off, take eggs and chicks from nests and cause havoc in the garden, and if they get in your loft.  We tried all sorts to deter them and in the end had to put my spring bulbs in pots with chickenwire just beneath the top layer of compost/grit, and sprinkled chilli powder on the bird seed (birds can't taste it but it certainly helps dissuade squirrels). 

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Grey squirrels need eliminating, if you wish to see our native Red squirrel population survive. 


Squirrel Pox Virus

The Squirrel Pox Virus ( Parapoxvirus) is usually fatal to red squirrels. Grey squirrels are carriers of the infection and can spread the disease to red squirrels. Greys have developed immunity to the disease having been exposed to the virus for many years.

In sharp contrast, the mortality rate for untreated infected red squirrels in the wild appears to be 100%, most dying within 15 days of being infected. If caught early enough a vet may be able to treat the squirrel but success is rare.



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Sad to see a few dead squirrels on Whitley Wood Road - squashed, no doubt, by the enormous 'Sports' Utility Vehicles that are so popular on our narrow lanes.  The intrepid drivers having perhaps driven many miles cross country in the snow.

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