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What's happening with the Rutland Arms?


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i go in every day as im a friend of the new manager... there was no trouble the other day john hutch.... so dont know what u mean by that. she has run bars before and had her own she knows whats what and is good with real ales. she is putting on a good lunch menu some irish dishes and will def get more real ales on so if there are any in particular u like post them and ill be sure to let her know also she wants to get more pictures put up so just give it time im sure she'll sort it.

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i go in every day as im a friend of the new manager... there was no trouble the other day john hutch.... so dont know what u mean by that. she has run bars before and had her own she knows whats what and is good with real ales. she is putting on a good lunch menu some irish dishes and will def get more real ales on so if there are any in particular u like post them and ill be sure to let her know also she wants to get more pictures put up so just give it time im sure she'll sort it.


Oh, that's cool! Foods back on, and they will be doing Irish dishes, probably just like what my mother makes, with any luck..!


Must have lunch there sometime!

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  • 4 months later...

Punch who own it are in serious financial trouble, their shares are currently 36p and i cant see how they are going to climb out of the ****e they put themselves in. With a bit of luck the Rutland Arms will go up for sale and someone will get the freehold without any silly alcohol or rental ties, and some serious investment can be put into the building. Its one of Sheffield's best pubs and just needs a lot of TLC and no frickin Pubco owning it.

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I tried the RA one lunchtime recently. It was virtually empty, but the Hobgoblin bitter was quite tasty and the soup was fine & came with fresh bread.


We've been in there a couple of evenings in the past few weeks and, whilst it's nowhere near as busy as it used to be 2-3 years ago, there were enough people in to give it a decent atmosphere. A nice selection of 6 real ales as well, though sadly I think they can only get ones on the Punch Tavern list so no local ales.

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