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Capitalism -v- Communism & all the other social...isms

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Capitalism works better than any other economic model.... unless of course you can suggest an even better, more effective way to run a society??? Awaiting your response, commie.....

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but these bosses still got the bonuses - thats my point. they failed in every way imaginable but still got paid an amount over and above the the PM does, and bonuses!


and then there's the question of why people aren't using the trains. imo, given twenty years + of cronic underinvestment and promotion of motor vehicles it's hardly surprising, is it?


and what does my financial manager do, 90% of the time? nothing for me, i reckon. glance at the FT, see what stocks and shares are doing, and move my 'portfolio' (I have a stakeholder pension which is worth less to me than if I'd stuck the money in a building society - I have no choice in the matter) accordingly. Any idiot can do that, it takes no great skill. Certainly no more skill than it takes to be a nurse. It's because the way our system is structured, the only obvious thing that matters is money - but we all know that's utter tosh, don't we?

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You show charming naivity commie pig :). Worthy employment doesn't make it better or more useful employment - it just makes it more worthy. Don't make the mistake of confusing the differences or believeing that you don't need the full spectrum of tasks that people perform, for which they get paid according to a combination of demand and ability.


Shall we start a thread on capitalism -v- communism where it can be discussed away from the voting Labour thread?

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I'd have said it was pretty much always capitalist - the state run version which lasted until the 80's was not fundamentally different to the system in the west, tho there was obviously no internal market.


Since the death of Mao (or probably a little later, I'd have to check me dates to be certain) the Chinese state has 'opened up' it's economy massively to western investment and expropriation, and it is unashamedly capitalist in economic terms.


In political terms I would also argue that it has nothing to do with communism and never did, but simply replaced one ruling elite with another.


Oh, and while it is booming massively now, it is only doing so at enormous cost to Chinese workers (health and safety isn't exactly a big concern for the Chinese govt, hence the string of massive factory explosions that have happened over the last few years), and it is growing at such a rate that a large number of economists think it is expanding too quickly and will have a big crash soon.



Anyhows...I really must do some work today...

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The improved living standards and social provisons in many western capitalist states were obtained as a result of consistent pressure from the much abused Trade Union movement and the widespread radicalism of millions of people who wanted a better way to live after WW11.

If we look further afield we would see what Capitalism would offer most Britons if companies could get away with it.

Trade Union activists in Coca Cola bottling plants murdered in Central America, subterranean aquifers polluted in India (affecting millions) thanks to Coke and Pepsi, mountains of asbestos waste in South African townships left by UK companies, child labour in sportswear manufacture in any number of countries, Oil companies "fingering" local activists in Nigeria to the security forces who make them "disappear". Remember Bhopal? Union Carbide still hasn't paid proper compensation for hundreds of lives lost and thousands devastated.

The list is almost endless but indicates how companies would behave in Britain if they could get away with it!

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