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Are most Stereotypes GENERALLY True?

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it's all down to the way the brain works,it likes to catagorise and compartmentalise things.makes things easier to understand and to process.


Quite right, our brains do pigeon hole (not meaning to sound pigeonist!) info & data to enable us to easily access this input when needed Exactly Like a Computer!


However, then comes the human nature element such as understanding why, compassion, rage etc. So therefore there are many grey areas, which interfere with this logic we might use to access the stored data from our brains, Unlike a Computer!


So do these Emotions cloud our Logic???

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Well we say Americans are all fat, but you wont find a country with more extreamly fit people.


not sure on that one tbh...


they might only have more fit people because theres so bleeding many, but on average, what is it? 1 in 10 or something is obese.


So basically...yeah they are all fat.

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I think stereotyping and pigonholing are less to do with categorising information and making the work of our brains easier, and more to do with laziness and supporting our own biases.


To adopt a stereotypical view of anyone or anything means you can just take on board a pre-packaged view without thinking or needing to find out any new infrmation that might challenge the stereotype.

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not sure on that one tbh...


they might only have more fit people because theres so bleeding many, but on average, what is it? 1 in 10 or something is obese.


So basically...yeah they are all fat.


If only 1 in 10 Americans as you say are obese then were do you think the stereotype of most Americans being over weight comes from?

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I think stereotyping and pigonholing are less to do with categorising information and making the work of our brains easier, and more to do with laziness and supporting our own biases.


To adopt a stereotypical view of anyone or anything means you can just take on board a pre-packaged view without thinking or needing to find out any new infrmation that might challenge the stereotype.


I agree, however obviously some people do understand that we have been given a brain to question some things in life and try to figure out the why's & what if scenarios.


So why do you think some people see in black & white whilst other people can look deeper and see grey areas?

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If only 1 in 10 Americans as you say are obese then were do you think the stereotype of most Americans being over weight comes from?


i didnt say they didnt have the sterotype of being fat, i actually was saying they do have it...

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