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Are most Stereotypes GENERALLY True?

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I agree, however obviously some people do understand that we have been given a brain to question some things in life and try to figure out the why's & what if scenarios.


So why do you think some people see in black & white whilst other people can look deeper and see grey areas?


I think we all can see shades of grey, but whether we choose to or not is a matter of choice.


I think many people prefer to take the offered up answers without lookig in to it - it's just easier. In the 1980s / 1990s I was in the Labour Party and would occasionally be asked to vote for a 'slate' of candidates for posts within the Party. These would be people with similar political views, for example representing the views of the Tribune Group or similar.


I refused to vote for slates, and instead, wherever possible, would vote for policies on a 'one by one' basis because I felt that it was more important to do things that way than just to take the lazy way out and endorse a 'grab bag' of policies that someone else had decided I should support.


To avoid stereotypes makes life more complicated - that's something that is unpopular today when it seems important for everyone to follow some sort of party 'line'.

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I agree, however obviously some people do understand that we have been given a brain to question some things in life and try to figure out the why's & what if scenarios.


So why do you think some people see in black & white whilst other people can look deeper and see grey areas?


Intellect, education, family expectations, and just caring about other people makes some of us question and some of us believe what it says in the Sun. (or am I stereotyping?)

Stereotypes have surely developed for a reason, choosing to dress in a certain way, driving a particular type of vehicle, having a liking for body piercing, what you name your children, mugging old ladies to pay for a habit - these all contribute to stereotyping. Not all of it is negative, or proves to be wrong ! ;)

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A lot of us Brits also seem hate David Beckham when its Blatantly obvious he is one of the best footballers in the world! I dont think Beckham is arrogant either so what is it about us Brits in general! that seem to like putting us selves down?

the brits resent successful people for some reason where as the opposite seems to be true in the states.

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the brits resent successful people for some reason where as the opposite seems to be true in the states.


I resent everyone in USA there all full of themselves and I resent anyone who thinks there bigger than god, which is most of the celebs and the americans

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I have my own stereotypes, based on personal experience and my own observations.


One thing I have noticed time and time again is that many people expressing modish left or liberal opinions are the most selfish and obnoxious people you are ever likely to meet when you get to know them. Their love for humanity is often a veneer to hide the paramount love they have for themselves. For example, their professed egalitarianism doesn't stop them sending their own kids to the best schools, or elbowing others out of the way as they shinny their way up the property ladder. They are also the most intolerant people you are ever likely to meet, and venomous and spiteful with it. Conversely, most of the people who I have met who profess right wing views have turned out to be really nice people


One thing which has often surprised me is that many people who don't know me well automatically seem to assume that I am on the left of the political spectrum. I have lost count of the number of people who have said this to me over the years. :thumbsup:

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I agree, however obviously some people do understand that we have been given a brain to question some things in life and try to figure out the why's & what if scenarios.


So why do you think some people see in black & white whilst other people can look deeper and see grey areas?

Because the people that look deeper into the grey areas are the same type of people who would want the universal truths, than just accepting the first plausible answer they get.


Each situation and scenario can be viewed at different angle. Sometimes this angle boils down to the person's own ethics.


I've been labelled as a do-gooder before, and I have been politically slotted into the left area, but I have never really made a political stance in my life. I live my life for me most importantly. Other scenarios and situation, I see it as it is.


Most stereotypes have half-truths in them, but however, they do not stand for anything more than just that. Half-truths. People have different aims in life, and different priorities. Each individual is unique. When you look beyond the stereotypes, you will know why people do what they do.



Stereotypes are as silly as the following;

- People drink alcohol in this country. So what ? Does it mean everyone is an alcoholic ?

- People with degrees and PhDs, and they are the most educated person by paper. So what, does it mean they have common sense ?

- Women who are seen as stronger, does it mean that they want to become a man ? No. Does not mean they want to refuse to do the housework either. Just not to be taken for granted. Like a slave.

- People who pass their driving tests, does it mean they are safe drivers ? No, cos they still make mistakes, it's where they learn.

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I have my own stereotypes, based on personal experience and my own observations.


One thing I have noticed time and time again is that many people expressing modish left or liberal opinions are the most selfish and obnoxious people you are ever likely to meet when you get to know them. Their love for humanity is often a veneer to hide the paramount love they have for themselves. For example, their professed egalitarianism doesn't stop them sending their own kids to the best schools, or elbowing others out of the way as they shinny their way up the property ladder. They are also the most intolerant people you are ever likely to meet, and venomous and spiteful with it.


It's true, they are perfectly happy to protest outside the Town Hall on Saturday (in their ethnic clothing they bought while on safari last year) about repressed imigrants being badly treated, but if you suggest said imigrants be housed in their neighbourhood (totaly stereotyped but it's usually S10/11) and see how they act.

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I have my own stereotypes, based on personal experience and my own observations.


One thing I have noticed time and time again is that many people expressing modish left or liberal opinions are the most selfish and obnoxious people you are ever likely to meet when you get to know them. Their love for humanity is often a veneer to hide the paramount love they have for themselves. For example, their professed egalitarianism doesn't stop them sending their own kids to the best schools, or elbowing others out of the way as they shinny their way up the property ladder. They are also the most intolerant people you are ever likely to meet, and venomous and spiteful with it. Conversely, most of the people who I have met who profess right wing views have turned out to be really nice people


One thing which has often surprised me is that many people who don't know me well automatically seem to assume that I am on the left of the political spectrum. I have lost count of the number of people who have said this to me over the years. :thumbsup:

That is one of the best posts I've seen on here. I bet you can stereotype the people who are going to respond to it.

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It's true, they are perfectly happy to protest outside the Town Hall on Saturday (in their ethnic clothing they bought while on safari last year) about repressed imigrants being badly treated, but if you suggest said imigrants be housed in their neighbourhood (totaly stereotyped but it's usually S10/11) and see how they act.


I agree 100%:thumbsup: :thumbsup:


and these eco students who preach to us about being enviromentally friendly not using our cars but when they get there offer of a Job with all the perks or want to go travelling they diont think twice about using cars aeroplanes etc

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I have my own stereotypes, based on personal experience and my own observations.


One thing I have noticed time and time again is that many people expressing modish left or liberal opinions are the most selfish and obnoxious people you are ever likely to meet when you get to know them. Their love for humanity is often a veneer to hide the paramount love they have for themselves. For example, their professed egalitarianism doesn't stop them sending their own kids to the best schools, or elbowing others out of the way as they shinny their way up the property ladder. They are also the most intolerant people you are ever likely to meet, and venomous and spiteful with it. Conversely, most of the people who I have met who profess right wing views have turned out to be really nice people


One thing which has often surprised me is that many people who don't know me well automatically seem to assume that I am on the left of the political spectrum. I have lost count of the number of people who have said this to me over the years. :thumbsup:


A very insightful post LordC, particularly when you look at some prominent Labour figures. I've often thought many on the left have double standards. One of the things that stands out for me was the imposition of comprehensive schools, by people who can afford fee-paying prep schools for their own children. At least members of the conservative party have always been up front about being wealthy and the benefits that can bring!

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