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What is the most out of date food item you have?

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I've found some pretty old stuff at mine but my mum is the worst.


I remember being at my mums house about 7 years ago and asking her if I could open some After Eight mints hat I'd noticed had been there a while. She said that they were there for when she had guest so NO I couldn't eat them.


Anyway, I found them at her house a few weeks ago and was so annoyed when I found that they were totally unedible such a waste!


I'd say at least 50% of everything in her house is out of date!

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My friend opened and used a carton of uht milk that was 7 years out of date. He also ate some of his mum's homemade jam he found in the back of the pantry, she'd been dead 20 odd years.


My parents bought their house before I was born and in the cellar was a rack of homemade wine of unknown vintage. When I was about 16 we opened one for the first time, it was lovely and we soon finished the rest.


Recently I was given a 1973 bottle of Moet Champagne that had been saved for a day that never came, on getting the foil off the cork just fell out with no gas behind it, it had long since gone off, shame.


I once opened an out of date carton of uht milk as well.It had thickened to a rice pudding consistency and was brown :gag: :gag: :gag:

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When I was in Portugal last month I was buying a few bottles of alchopops like red square in the nearby shop, took them back to the apartment to drink before going out and they had the most unbelievable twang to them, like you had washed your teeth beforehand.


Only to find the best before date was last year.

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but they are things like salt, which shouldn't even HAVE a sell-by date. Salt does not go off. ("Formed on the coasts of Essex more than a hundred and fifty million years ago .... warning: use by December '06.")


:hihi: :hihi:

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I once saw someone in a supermarket open a jar up and took a smell.


Decided that he didn't like the smell, put the lid back on and place it back on the shelf.


These things go off in 3 days once opened and I wasn't letting him get away with that. So I picked it up and while he wasn't looking I place it inside his trolly.

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