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Friendly pubs in Walkley?


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When I was a student living in Walkley we'd do a Friday night pub crawl around the pubs with no trouble or hassle whatsoever.


Mind you we were sensible students who didn't run around with pints of lager on our heads waving johnnies in the air.


How things have changed :hihi:

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The Belle Vue is one of those with no customers so the staff seem surprised to see you. So is the Fir Cottage opposite. Neither have proper beer or are particularly good pubs, but I wouldn't say avoid them.


The Rose House is fine and served a nice pint last time I was in.

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I remember my first and only time going in the Firwood Cottage and it was pretty dead - they even had to turn the lights on for us as we were sitting in darkness! :rolleyes::D


Palm Tree used to be good for a while, they had a big jar of pickled eggs on the bar that were free. :)

Nobody ever turned up 'til about ten to 11. Stopped going in when he stopped doing cask beer and haven't been in for a few years, wonder what its like nowadays.


I must do a Crookes / Walkley pub crawl again soon.

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I found it and having a great time using your mobility pass! Although did'nt get many beers out of the £1.21 you left in it.


There is a phone number in there for 'Big Brenda' if you want it back pm!


Big Brenda?! WTF?! :loopy:


Are you serious about you've found my wallet or are you just trolling?

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