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The best gyms in Sheffield


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I'm a member at Greens and enjoy it there. I've not been a member of any other gyms in Sheff but several in Manchester.


In general Greens is a good but relatively small gym (I'm talking about a general comparison from my experience to fitness first, Virgin, IsoSpa, David Lloyd type places). It is, however, a damm sight better than your bog standard student sports centre gym or local leisure centre (with one or two exceptions before I get flamed).


The long and short of it really is:


Go to the places at the times you would use the gym. It's a pain in the bum, but go a couple of times, they should be happy to show you round each time, explain why you are there, everyone has busy and quiet days randomly so check a couple of times at least. You should be able to gauge how busy it looks from that.


Any gym that doesn't show you around or you don't like for whatever reason dump it, there are plenty out there.


Or, like, jimmyd4ng3r said, simply buy your own kit then YOU get to choose the tunes :D




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I'm a member of Greens and think it's pretty good.


They've got a large weights gym and seperate cardio gym, studio for classes, ladies only gym, warm up area and spinning studio plus pool (over-rated) with jacuzis, steam room and sauna and sunbeds etc. They've also got loads of classes and a cafe area.


I think it depends what your looking for! I have found at Greens that a lot of the headset things for the TV channels dont work and a few of the machines normally don't work (usually the ones i pick.) There was also a question about cleaning at one point but I think they have got their own team now and it's sorted.

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Another greens member. Was thinking of switching to Virgin this month but heard about how busy they get etc and the main thing I like about Greens is that you always get a piece of equipment, even at the busiest times.


I found that some of the gyms are very pushy in terms of getting you joined up. Have had quite a few phone calls from Virgin and Esporta to visit. I eventually told the person at Virgin that I wanted to stay at my current gym due to the convenience of being closer and being about the same price and the person was like "make sure you don't only take account of convenience when choosing a gym". Surely that is one of the most important aspects? :confused:

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I found that some of the gyms are very pushy in terms of getting you joined up. Have had quite a few phone calls from Virgin and Esporta to visit. I eventually told the person at Virgin that I wanted to stay at my current gym due to the convenience of being closer and being about the same price and the person was like "make sure you don't only take account of convenience when choosing a gym". Surely that is one of the most important aspects? :confused:


The person at Virgin has no interest whatsoever in your fitness and your lifestyle. They are just trying to persuade you to join, because if you join the club gets money (joining fee and membership) and the sales consultant gets a bonus. You could live in Barnsley and they would try and persuade you to join, and argue that their gym is worth a 2 hour round trip. You need to attend the gym that is right for you.


Sales consultants at Virgin often have 'sign up days'. That is they will get to work at 8am and they will have all day to sign up 50 new members. If they don't reach the target there is probably trouble. Therefore they go through the database and call everyone who has shown an interest in last few months, and will present them with a 'new offer'. They will call up corporate firms and offer them a discount.


Good to hear that Greens are thinking of capping the membership. Shame that Virgin don't follow suit. I cannot urge people enough that if you are a member of a private gym where profits go to shareholders, the facilities must be top notch and waiting time for any machine must be zero. If this is not the case speak to the manager and ask them why not. You are paying a premium for better service. If you don't mind waiting, please join fitness unlimited or your local member run sports club, where profits go back to the club and help fund grass roots youth sport etc.


If anyone has any issues with gyms please feel free to PM me :thumbsup:

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