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The old cycle shop Main Street Hackenthorpe


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I was a first year intake at Carter Lodge. Mary Wyre, Howard's niece was in my class, she used to ride with the Wheelers.

Nobodys mentioned the pearl button works which was on what is now Utah Terrace opposite the wooden hut on the cricket pitch. We used to forage in the bins for the damaged ones. The hut belonged to Christ Church, Hackenthorpe and we used to have teas and games there with Mr. West from the Church. I have a photo of us sat on the steps with the helpers and Mr. West. I was married at the Church but sadly it has changed and the pews have gone and the altar is the other way round, we visited for our 40th anniversary and came away dispirited.

We used to go down the side of Hackenthorpe village school and climb the trees and write our names in the bark of our sweethearts.

Does anybody remember the Booths who used to be caretakers at the school.

Ken went to Carter Lodge and lived in the village.

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Remember the button factory well and the whist drives in

the hut for grownups,and Mr West i used to be in the choir

but certainly no angel as scrumping down the lane proves but

loved it down Cam bottoms side of the stream with the girls.

I left Sheffield in 64 and didnt see it again until 84 it

breaks my heart when i see it now.I have to llok at google earth to find the

names of all the new places,glad bluebell wood is there.

Cant say i remember Mary but i remember long legged blonde

Pauline Williamson with the Wheelers kept me going riding behind her:roll:

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mmmm, i also left in 64 but my parents still lived there til 69, it has changed, but its good to have memories; The old hall was a favourite in the village, I think it was made into flats. There was also a farmhouse at the junction of Dyke Vale Road and Birley Spa Lane; an old lady used to sell eggs and veg. I used to visit to pick up eggs; it was unbelievable inside; it was pulled down to make way for the parade of new shops. We also used to cycle and told not to go from the estate, but we used to ride to Millhouses park, through Frechville and Gleadless. Remember Frechville carnival well. My son won the bonny baby contest, the first and only competion, just wouldn't put anyone through that again. We have a certificate and held a silver cup for a year.(tiny).

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I have fond memories of Howard Wyer and his cycle shop from the mid 50's. As a teenager and a member of Beighton Wheelers Cycling Club, I used to help out along with a mate, doing odd jobs for the love of it. We did not receive any remuneration for this work but were paid in kind with spares and accessories as we needed them. A most satisfactory arrangement all round.


I used to frequent Howard's shop around that time. Keith Booth used to work for Howard and I used to knock around with him. We were both in the 'Beighton Wheelers', and I have some very happy memories around that time. Other members of the Wheelers around that time included Les and Bob Poole, Vinny Hobson, Maggie Bishop, Pauline Williamson, Gilbert ????, I also recallHowaed's brother Jack, Maggie Cooper, his niece Mary (a Wheelers member) and I think it was his sister Mary? I used to spend hours in the shop helping out. Do you remember also the little green hut on the village green that sold sweets & fags etc? I think his name was Mr. Harry Rippon. No one can take such memories away!!

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I remember Pauline well and a few of the names do you remember the

pea and pie suppers in Beighton cant think of the pub but they use to have

rollers to train on,you had my Raleigh Clubman sprayed with its 3speed sturmy archer gears no wonder i could never make out from Baslow i was always glad to see the Pewitt cafe.

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I used to frequent Howard's shop around that time. Keith Booth used to work for Howard and I used to knock around with him. We were both in the 'Beighton Wheelers', and I have some very happy memories around that time. Other members of the Wheelers around that time included Les and Bob Poole, Vinny Hobson, Maggie Bishop, Pauline Williamson, Gilbert ????, I also recallHowaed's brother Jack, Maggie Cooper, his niece Mary (a Wheelers member) and I think it was his sister Mary? I used to spend hours in the shop helping out. Do you remember also the little green hut on the village green that sold sweets & fags etc? I think his name was Mr. Harry Rippon. No one can take such memories away!!


I am glad someone remembers the sweet shop outside the School. Sherbert Flying saucers, locus beans (tasted like chocolate & Liquorish root (looked like like a twig) and hiding them from Mrs Butler while breaktime.


I also remember well, the pint mugs of hot blackcurrant or Orange at the pewit on a winters morning.

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