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Contraception advice please

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any advice on what to use - its highly unlikely for me to get preg again anyway as it took 5 yrs this time! really dont get on with 3 pills that ive tried, really dont want the coil - gross gross and the injection doesnt suit me either. any advice? apart from absenance! heh!;)

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its acctually highly LIKELY that you will get caught pregnant pretty quickly if your not careful, after having a child, you become much more firtile than you were.

do you want temp contreception or perminant? obviously steralisation/vasectomy are the best perminant ways.


I didnt get on with the pill or the deppo, and couldnt have the coil fittted, ... my husbnds had the snip now, so no worrys there but before that, we were back to using condoms ... not ideal but better than an unwanted pregnancy

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I was just using natural techniques which when applied properly are supposed to be as effective as any other. This isn't just withdrawal! It involves taking your temperature every day and checking the position and opening of your cervix and also keeping a note of any discharge you produce. You have to do this daily at the same time and you will get to know your ovulation pattern and when, therefore, you have to used condoms. It can take a few months until you're confident with it and I would suggest reading up it a lot first so you're completely in the know! Having said this, I had a baby three months ago and am now going to have a non-hormone coil because it is a lot less hassle!

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I helped out in a trial last year for a new pill called Yasmin which seemed really good. It claims not to have all the side effects of other pills and as far as I could gather the claim was right.


You have to ask your GP for it though because it's new (and therefore more expensive than the others) so they're usually reluctant to give it out.

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lol its seems to be the only option left ;)


and if it doesn't suit you, its out of your system about a week after being removed...


and last for 3 years...




DONT use implanon

I had it and was on my period non stop for 18 months, its one way to stop you having sex but then you end up getting anaemia and feeling rubbish

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i did a phd on gonad development, and it was enough to convince me not to put hormones into my body without a darned good reason.


condoms all the way.


i used the natural method of monitoring my cycle for several years, and it works really well if you have a nice regular cycle - i just used condoms for 6 days before i ovulated and 3 days after (this is excessive, but i wanted to be sure i didn't get pregnant). typically, i did get pregnant in an unplanned manner - we had been using a condom (which burst) and i took the morning after pill, and i was still pregnant. in this case neither condoms nor hormones worked, although i think that happening is probably very rare indeed. nothing is perfect, but like i say - you wouldn't catch me taking hormones without a very good reason.

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I was just using natural techniques which when applied properly are supposed to be as effective as any other. This isn't just withdrawal! It involves taking your temperature every day and checking the position and opening of your cervix and also keeping a note of any discharge you produce. You have to do this daily at the same time and you will get to know your ovulation pattern and when, therefore, you have to used condoms. It can take a few months until you're confident with it and I would suggest reading up it a lot first so you're completely in the know! Having said this, I had a baby three months ago and am now going to have a non-hormone coil because it is a lot less hassle!

i did the whole checking thing to help me get pregnant with the ovulation kits and i now know when im fertile etc... but i always have a worry!

congrats on baby!

my friend has same coil but can feel it during errr snuggle times!

we were due to be put on the IVF waiting list in the Feb(when i turned 25) and i got preg in the Nov. id gladly have hysterectomy or let him have snipsnip but hubby not so sure - he wants more-i want to adopt.

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