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Contraception advice please

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i did a phd on gonad development, and it was enough to convince me not to put hormones into my body without a darned good reason.


condoms all the way.


i used the natural method of monitoring my cycle for several years, and it works really well if you have a nice regular cycle - i just used condoms for 6 days before i ovulated and 3 days after (this is excessive, but i wanted to be sure i didn't get pregnant). typically, i did get pregnant in an unplanned manner - we had been using a condom (which burst) and i took the morning after pill, and i was still pregnant. in this case neither condoms nor hormones worked, although i think that happening is probably very rare indeed. nothing is perfect, but like i say - you wouldn't catch me taking hormones without a very good reason.


lol i wish i had the choice :( the idea of going hormoneless when starting a family scares me... i think we might adopt ;)


or i'll buy shares in morphine :D


whats a nice regualr cycle like?... :(

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When you say 'failed vasectomy' do you mean:


1. The guy didn't go through with the operation - he just told his wife he did.

2. The couple didn't use other contraception until there had been three negative sperm samples following the operation.


Vasectomy is not an instant result. sperm that have already been produced lurk (for want of a better term) for a period following the operation. Samples need to be analysed following the operation to confirm azoospermia (no sperm) before alternative contraception can be abandoned.


3. The baby is not his (happens more frequently than you think!). I have worked in a hospital. The figures are around 10% that the man who thinks he is the father...isn't!


- Oracle

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Vasectomy is not an instant result. sperm that have already been produced lurk (for want of a better term) for a period following the operation. Samples need to be analysed following the operation to confirm azoospermia (no sperm) before alternative contraception can be abandoned.



Nor is it 100% reliable after 3 tests.

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Nor is it 100% reliable after 3 tests.




Nothing except complete abstinence, hystrectomy or oophrectomy are! Both are a bit radical though!


Currently the choices are:

Combined pill

More than 99% effective if used properly.


Progestogen only pill (POP)

More than 99% effective if used properly. May be less effective if you weigh over 70kg (11stone).


Barrier methods

These include male condoms, female condom, diaphragms, and caps. Prevents sperm entering the uterus. Male condoms are about 98% effective if used properly. Other barrier methods are slightly less effective than this.


Contraceptive injections (eg Depoprovera and Noristerat)

More than 99% effective. An injection is needed every 8-12 weeks.


Contraceptive implants (eg Implanon)

Is more than 99% effective. Works in a similar way to the contraceptive injection. Involves a small minor operation using local anaesthetic. Each one lasts 3 years.


Intrauterine device (IUD)

A plastic and copper device is put into the uterus. Lasts 5 or more years. It works mainly by stopping the egg and sperm from meeting. It may also prevent the fertilised egg from attaching to the lining of the uterus. The copper also has a spermicidal effect (kills sperm).


Hormone releasing intrauterine device (eg Mirena)

More than 99% effective.


Natural methods

This involves fertility awareness. Effective if done correctly. Requires commitment and regular checking of fertility indicators such as body temperature and cervical secretions.


Sterilisation (Vasectomy and female sterilisation)

Is more than 99% effective.


Long reply...sorry...but important subject.


- Oracle

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my friend has same coil but can feel it during errr snuggle times!


Doesn't mean that you would have the same problem though. Like lots of women, I don't have any grief with mine. Perhaps her's isn't fitted properly???


It feels so much better than sticking unnatural levels of hormones in my body and means I don't have to worry about contraception for 8 years at a time! If your friend's experience is all you are ruling it out on then it is definitely worth thinking about a bit more. :)

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When you say 'failed vasectomy' do you mean:


1. The guy didn't go through with the operation - he just told his wife he did.

2. The couple didn't use other contraception until there had been three negative sperm samples following the operation.


Vasectomy is not an instant result. sperm that have already been produced lurk (for want of a better term) for a period following the operation. Samples need to be analysed following the operation to confirm azoospermia (no sperm) before alternative contraception can be abandoned.


3. The baby is not his (happens more frequently than you think!). I have worked in a hospital. The figures are around 10% that the man who thinks he is the father...isn't!


- Oracle


^ Philp, T; Guillebaud et al (1984). "Late failure of vasectomy after two documented analyses showing azoospermic semen". British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Ed.) 289 (6437): 77–79


vasectomies can fail, depending on how it was done. in the case of the guy i knew, he'd been snipped but not enough of the tube had been removed, and the ends were close enough together that they healed together again and were functional again after several months. the operation was done probably 25 years ago - i imagine surgical techniques these days would ensure that this doesn't happen very often anymore.


the guy was actually a friend of my A level biology teacher. if my memory serves me correctly, he thought it amusing during one lesson that we should play pin the snip on the (picture of the) male urogenital system.

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