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Contraception advice please

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After many different pills and 9 day heavy periods (with extreme pain) I now have Implanon and its been like a miracle. I have a little breakthrough bleeding at times but other than that, I personally would recommend it.


It means that if you are with a long term partner you don't have to think about messing with anything or remembering to take your pill :thumbsup:

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Nothing except complete abstinence, hystrectomy or oophrectomy are! Both are a bit radical though!


Currently the choices are:

Combined pill


Long reply...sorry...but important subject.


- Oracle

this was really good to read thanks

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Doesn't mean that you would have the same problem though. Like lots of women, I don't have any grief with mine. Perhaps her's isn't fitted properly???


It feels so much better than sticking unnatural levels of hormones in my body and means I don't have to worry about contraception for 8 years at a time! If your friend's experience is all you are ruling it out on then it is definitely worth thinking about a bit more. :)

i think its prob just the thought of something foreign tHERE-but i c what u mean
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I have a Mirena coil, it is not all i was told it would be but it works fine for me and no hassle.


The not expected i have is i still get periods (though not like they used to be) but i am fine with that id rather have them than not really, at least i know for sure it is still working. The PMT is better too.


I sometimes think i can feel mine but i am sure it is just my imagination as i have had it checked and it is fine. If your friend can feel hers she needs to get it checked or replaced asap as they can embed themselves if not in the right place.

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  • 2 years later...

I had a non-hormone coil fitted about 6 weeks ago, since then I've noticed my periods seem to have regulated themselves (I have never had them exactly 4 weeks apart until now and was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries syndrome last year which probably explains it). However my periods are now lasting much longer than they used to - roughly 2 weeks... Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced similar???

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I think you need to give them time to settle. I've had mine in for about 4 months now and my periods have taken this long to regulate, stay for a sensible five days and not make me bleed like that scene from The Shining, LOL.


If you're concerned, see your GP again. 6 weeks is about the time you're supposed to get it checked anyway I think.

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