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Circuit Crazy! - starts tonight

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My new Circuit Crazy class starts tonight, Thursday 26th October, at Hillsborough Park Sports Arena, 7-8 pm. Come along and have a go. Don't wait until the New Year to get fit like everyone else, make it your resolution to get fit now and have a head start on everyone. The hardest part will be putting on your trainers and walking out of your front door - after that it will be easy! :clap:

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Hi everyone!


Just to let you know that I went to this class last Thursday and it was great! The girl that runs it is called Tracy and she is really lovely. You don't have to be fit or anything you just take it at your own pace. I haven't done any exercise for ages and it was really satisfying. It was good that there were people of all abilities too, I was a bit worried I'd look stupid coz I'm not fit at all, but most of us were in the same boat which was a relief!


Definitely recommend it!




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