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What type of Thread do you tend to reply to ?

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I dont like to reply to a thread thats got a lot of postings to it. I dont know why,its because I know I should really read them from the beginning, but I dont . I like a brand new thread , where you are the first or second person to reply. I also like sparky, funny replies,where you can have a laugh.I also am drawn to threads where people are going through some kind of trauma,and ask for help or advice.I never go onto the "Sports" part and Im not that fond of History & Ex.Pats,although I have been on it. What kind of thread are you drawn to ?


funny how times change pat....you only ever go on 'I'm bored' these days...

I dont like threads about religion or politics

I prefer lighthearted threads:thumbsup:

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I tend to avoid Political or Religious themed threads like the proverbial plague. Usually though I'll reply to anything if I think it's a topic worthy of my attention.

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Anything that catches my eye thats not immigration or religion related. I usually reply to drugs related topics as I have stong views, but other than that, I reply to tongue in cheek topics, or off the wall ones!

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Me personally something Not about Muslims, BNP, Hating other Groups for whatever reason & Government etc, because from what I’ve read its all been covered before & it’s the same old arguments time & time again were a lot people just seem to be more concerned with hating & condemning other groups of people.


I get bored of it very easily & know what's coming next, they do seem to be very popular subjects on SF which is fine by me but in my opinion I think there is more important other subjects which are far more worthy of discussion.


I enjoy those kind of threads as they are so often full of narrow-minded fools who are so entrenched with their bigotry they are actually laughable.


It's quite funny to witness how ridiculous they are.

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