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Anyone been to Malta recently?

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I love places of historic interest and culture but still hated it
The reason I started this post is I wanted to compare the Malta of today with the time I was used to, when the Royal Navy cvirtually owned the place. Almost everyy family had somebody who worked in the dockyards, and there was no tourism as such. Most of us navy people would do a 2 year stint in Malta with our families. There was always a love/hate relationship about the place, but we were a society within our own bounds. We had clubs, and food outlets not available to the locals, and also had no choice in being there. So my questions were based on tourist impressions, and I've been well answered by yourself and others. As ffor someone saying its not very mediterranean, I disagree. The Costa Brava isn't mediterranean by my standards.
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I have been to malte twice now. Once in the Xmas of 04 and again this summer and loved every minute of it each time I went. In 04 we (me my mum dad and nan) stayed in Bugiba and the xmas celebrations, festivities and warm welcoming of us English folk, and I guess all the tourists for that matter, was second to none. This Summer we went back again and stayed in mellieha bay, and again we had a fantastic time. We stayed in a hotel looking str8 out over the bay and at the weekends all the rich Maltese folk take their yahts and huge boats out to park up in the bay for the weekend, such a magnificent site. The meltese folk are wush warm friendly people and don't seem to be able to do enough to help you :D

Food and drink again is usually a winner on the island, sea food is usually fresh having being caught a day or so before and cooked in the best way possible. I would recommend anyone to visit malta and even my dad has said that when he retires that's probably the first place he wants to settle down to live :)

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  • 1 month later...

I went to Malta earlier this year and loved it, so I plan to go again next year.

I only went for a week last time, but tried to do as much as I could. Went to Gozo, Comino, couple of the temples, Blue Grotto, Mdina, Rabat, Valletta, the three cities etc. but there is so much to see and do I probably missed something.


So to anyone who has been to Malta what do you recommend I see, do and eat in Malta next year.

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Try the rabbit when you are there, especially the spaghetti in rabbit sauce, and the rabbit cooked with garlic and oil (not to be confused with rabbit stew) all are equally delicious.


I found that the Grand Harbour in Valletta was especially interesting, and the War Rooms just along side the harbour.:thumbsup:

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  • 4 months later...

Aside from the ongoing Spring hunting saga in direct contravention of EU law there are those in Malta who feel they can do whatever they like whenever they like.




and also in yesterdays edition a photo of a computer monitor dumped in the sea near a popular diving site, but that's not online.


So please if you've booked to come here cancel, and if you haven't, please share this with everyone you can think of.

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way too organised and thorough for vandalism especially with the previous engine oil incident, this is someone who thinks they are or have been adversely affected by the development and has a grudge, was the land used subject to a compulsory purchase order of some kind ? is adjoining farmland going to be purchased and added if it proves to be a success ?


look at who stands to lose rather than mindless vandals

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Happy memories of Malta....its a genteel place and I would have never thought it would be subject to such mindless vandalism. Mind you from what I remember there were no trees in great quantity. What I do remember is picking some strange fruit and its spines were embedded in my painful fingers for days (don't get that when scrumping for crab apples here!). And the old cars and buses that all find their way to the hub at Valetta. You said something about diving....is Meldives still there in Mugibba Bay. Nice man that Mel Galea who took me on a try dive, I was petrified. Still happy days.:D

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Well I and Wayne are on our way in little over a month, nothing is gonna stop us. It will be his first time and my umpteenth. Same hotel, know where things are. Ain't gonna let a bit of mindless destruction interfere.


Unfortunately the beauty of Malta has slowly been spoiled since joining the EU. Lots of building and eventually losing the quaintness of Malta that was the roads, buses, etc. We were holidaying there in St Julians on the day that the vote went through. Lots of Cars and vans driving around waving flags, honking horns and playing music.


When I go on holiday, it's to relax and there is no finer place to do it. BUT, if I do witness any mindless vandalism I will make sure I report it, just as I would anywhere else.


Fingers crossed all this can be brought to an end soon.





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