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Allen Carr's easy way to stop smoking - it worked for me...

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Just over seventeen years ago, I turned over the last page of a book called ‘Allen Carr’s easy way to stop smoking’, and knew without doubt I was now an ex smoker.


How can reading a book help you to stop smoking?


I’m not really sure. The book seems to work on a subtle, suggestible level. Every excuse you can come up with to continue smoking, Mr Carr can deconstruct. He will convince you that not only can you stop smoking, you can do it without withdrawal symptoms and cold turkey, and you will actually enjoy the process!


After a while you start to feel an excitement, to believe that you can stop. About one third into the book, I realised with a shock that my 30 a day Embassy habit had gone down to 20 without me consciously trying!


By the time I finished the book, I was down to a handful.


I can honestly say that I have never wanted a cigarette since – not bad for a 30 a day man, whose habit was (sadly) to have the last cig in bed at night before putting the light out, and whose first action of the day was to have a cig in bed on waking up, followed by two cups of tea and a further two smokes!


The book is published by penguin – for the price of around 20 ciggies, why not get a copy!

You can get it online from Amazon, there are often brand new copies on ebay, and WH Smiths will order it for you within two days if out of stock.


N.B I am recommending the exact title above, not the lengthy follow up with a similar title.

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I gave up for six months a couple of years ago.


I went to the gym 5 days a week and ran 4 times a week.


I managed to get fit enough to run the Sheffield Half Marathon and managed the respectable time of 90 mins. All that time I didn't think about smoking until one day I decided that I would have one to remind myself why I hated smoking. A month later I was back.


I can give up and think it's final quite easily, then I fall back into it.


The same would happen with the book.


I'm a weak human being

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i have heard about thay book , well done to you for giving up the stinking habit, i smoke on and off, sometimes i go for weeks/months, it is a really smelly thing to do, havent had one for weeks now and may never have another-why do we do it to ourselves???

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I too read that book 12 months ago,and never touched a cigarette since.I don't know how he does it,but it is an amazing process from 20 a day to none without realising.

I recommend the book to anyone who WANTS to stop.I know people who i have told the book about,but,becaouse they didn't want to quit,it didn't work.



The wife read it too and she stopped also.

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Yup I have the book too. I have "the only way to stop smoking"


When you first start reading it, it seems very patronising. then you realise he is using positive brainwashing as he keeps saying the same things over and over to reinforce them.


I'm halfway through.


He doesn't allow excuses.

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I picked up the book with no intention of giving up and read it in one sitting and at the end I was a non smoker. I lent the book to my girlfriend and she too became a non smoker.


I feel like it set me free to be honest - I enjoyed giving up and haven't wanted a cigarette since. fantastic book - I recommend it to anyone aho is thinking of giving up. I taught me that I wasn't giving anything up, but I had everything to gain by never smoking again - it uses a very subtle discourse.


In fact, bring on a smoking ban!

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The posts from uncleheed, bonny and the flying fish were what I hoped for, as a means of getting it over to anyone out there who really wants to stop that YOU CAN, and by reading the book IT WILL NOT BE DIFFICULT!


Dare to believe!!:thumbsup:

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