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Allen Carr's easy way to stop smoking - it worked for me...

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5 years today.... :)


well done ! i also stopped smoking just over 5 years ago after reading the allen carr book i had tried all other ways to stop but it was reading the book that worked for me and i had been smoking a long long time :)

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I foolishly started smoking at 18 (always said I wouldnt because our family nursed my gran in her final months of lung cancer)

What a fool I was to ever contemplate it after that!!!


Anyhow the moment I got pregnant at 21 it never crossed my mind to put a ciggie to my lips once I found out. Smoking was my choice not my babies......no way was I going to subject my baby to the dangers. It was as easy as that.......Until baby was born.


Suddenly I craved it all over again partly I think because my other half still smoked so the cycle began again, Only this time we were both confined to the garden, only allowed to smoke outside never in the house after the baby was born. We saw some wonderful wildlife having our obligatory midnight 'fag'


We stood there in the ****ing down rain, the howling wind and on the odd occasion in snow just to drag on those horrible little carcinogenic sticks.


Then in early January 2007 I decided I never wanted to see one of those horrible things ever again and that was that. I've never put another one to my lips. I didnt want one so the cravings never came. It was as easy as that.


On the other hand my other half still smokes I've treid endless times to help him stop. He once stopped for 3 months and then lost his dad, the only thing he wanted was a ciggie, As though it was going to somehow ease all the pain and suffering he was going through. We've tried umpteen times. Patches, fake cigs, gum, spray on the toungue, He's done it all and just cant kick the habit permenantly. He still stands out there at midnight in the driving rain for his beloved smokes.


I do think its a frame of mind thing. I just didnt want to smoke so I didnt. He does want to smoke so he does, Its got to involve changing that thought, which from what your describing this book actually does. So I will nip to WHSmith with much scepticism this week and buy the book for him. We shall see......

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My two years will be up shortly. I too read the book. I have known since the early days of stopping that I shall never smoke again. I smoked up to 25 per day for many many years.

I now feel sorry for the people who huddle together outside pubs courting the murdering weed that they have paid so dearly for.

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My two years will be up shortly. I too read the book. I have known since the early days of stopping that I shall never smoke again. I smoked up to 25 per day for many many years.



Yep, that's eaxactly how the gets you - I too had that same certainty that I'd never smoke again. I smoked thirty a day every day, more at weekends if there was a party on,


I've been stopped seventeen years through reading the book :)

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Thanks everyone, and well done to those that have stopped.


Draggle, I always look forward to our once a year chats on here..... :)


Bethsmummy, the book almost comes across as patronising sometimes, but it's great, I can't recommend it enough, just encourage your other half to stick with it, even if he's not enjoying the style.

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  • 11 months later...
Read the book three times. Still smoke.


Noone's ever said that you'll quit smoking if you read the book (however many times).


To quit you have to understand what Carr is saying, and agree with it. Carr specifically says in the book that, if you've read it, and, either don't understand it, or, don't agree with it, then you'd be best not trying to quit using it at that time- instead, carry on smoking (or trying the standard quitting methods) until such a time as you feel you'd like to read the book again.

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