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Allen Carr's easy way to stop smoking - it worked for me...

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Very topical - I bought the book a couple of weeks back and have just started reading it.


As those who've read the book know, one of the good things is that you're encouraged to carry on smoking while you're reading the book, the idea being that you only quit right at the very end.


What worries me though is that the closer i get to the end the more nervous I'll feel about stopping; I'll then read slower and slower, desperately trying to put off the moment when I eventually give up.


Anyone else had these doubts; do they go away or do they just get bigger?


Sounds familiar! I had the book for 2 years before I was ready to start reading it!! I took it on holiday with me, thinking I'd finish it within the 2 weeks easily, but I ended up bringing it back with me and it took me another week and a bit to finish it! So yes, I slowed down. I was nervous at the thought of stopping, but as I got nearer the end of the book, the nervousness went away and I started to think 'bring it on'! When I got to the last cig chapter, I didn't actually enjoy my last cig!! Bizarre! So keep going, be as slow as you need to be, but make sure you are taking in what he's saying. I honestly started to enjoy smoking less and less as I read it!

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Think i'll order a copy of that.. i've got 4 cigs left. And thats me done anyway i think (hope! :( )

Worked out how much i'd save by quitting. Well.

£3 a day (pack of 20 duty free :hihi: ) Is £21 a week,

Thats £84 a flamin' month! :o

I'd be able to finance a new laptop with that, a smaller one, even though me other ones fine.


Woohoo! :)

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  • 1 month later...
Well I finally finished the book and had my last cigarette just before going to bed last night. After 15 years of being a smoker I have now been an ex-smoker for 12 hours!

How do you feel?

Excited, exhilarated, confident?

or not so sure?

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Hmm, it’s not gone quite as well as I thought it would, and sadly I’ve already had something of a slip.

Everything was fine until Saturday when I went out on a bike ride. With it being so hot (and with the football being on) I’d planned to make a couple of refreshment stops in pubs, yet as soon as I was in the first one, I felt really unhappy cause I had a pint in one hand but no cigarette in the other. This was the first time I’d been in a pub since stopping and it was pretty uncomfortable.

Although I was able to resist the temptation, as the day wore on I was getting more and more stressed until I eventually gave in, bought 10 superkings from an off licence and smoked a couple.

Yesterday wasn’t much better – went out walking with my girlfriend but felt ratty and bad-tempered for much of the day – eventually had a sneaky fag at 5pm then another one a couple of hours later.


Despite the glowing reports on the forum, I can’t help feeling that Allen Carr’s “Easyway” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. He claims that as soon as you’ve finished the book you’ll never feel the urge to smoke again, but within less than two days of quitting I could barely think of anything else. His claim that if you follow his method then you don’t need willpower to quit is suspect too.


All the same, even though I’ve not quit totally I’ve gone from 30 roll-ups a day to 2-3 Superkings a day, so I suppose I’ve achieved something……..

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He claims that as soon as you’ve finished the book you’ll never feel the urge to smoke again, but within less than two days of quitting I could barely think of anything else. His claim that if you follow his method then you don’t need willpower to quit is suspect too.

If you re read the thread, it really has worked like that for many people on the forum, me included :)


I'm really sorry to hear that it didn't work for you BasilRathbone. I suspected it might not have 'taken' as your post didn't have the exhilaration and confidence that many people feel after stopping this way.


Not everyone succeeds with this method, but I think the majority do ......



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