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Where to blag free food in Sheffield?


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seriously though - I graduated this year. I got a job in a restaurant and worked the weekend. They'll feed you on the day and if you keep popping into the kitchen u can stuff yourself. So thats 2 out of 7 days you won't need food. Plus they'll be throwing food that won't keep- so you can always take that home.


Also - you'll have more money to buy food with you workshy git!

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Get a job in one of the halls of residences working in the canteen. I did it all thru uni, worked 3 hours a day Monday till Friday, got free meal at the end of the shift, good pay, double overtime and sundays, sick pay if working more than 16 hours, works a doddle, and the dinnerladies are great to work with.

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Don't work for Wetherspoons, they weigh you before and after work and if you have any food related weight increase, its the job centre for you pal. I know of a guy who took an out of date steak home and got the sack, it goes in the bin and thats it!


I know this is a bid radical, but get a girlfriend, they will always take pity on you, give you food, maybe even cook it for you and the best bit is Sunday Lunch at her mums. You might have to put up with a minger, but hey, your tummy will be full. (and maybe hers, god forbid!) LOL



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I guess it's a daft Q to ask on the SF. :hihi:


Seriously about the job front. Just pop into any restaurants and asks whether they are looking for staff. Better way than going to the agencies, which may take longer. You may be surprised at who will give you a job. As long as you show some knowledge of the job, and what you're expected to do.

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