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Dove & Rainbow rock bar re-opens Friday 3rd from 7pm


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And a good job too - they were ugly, and in the case of the caravan, Dangerous!


The live mains wiring inside the roof of that caravan caused us some demolition problems, a lot of live and bare wires were stuck up with masking tape inside the METAL section of the roof:gag: ....... equally dangerous was the fact when it was built in around 1993/4, some of the power for the equipment inside was routed from an original light fitting on the wall with no earth and not a proper mains wall junction with safety cut outs, which amazed us that it had not electricuted anyone in the past:loopy:


So dangerous was the live bare wiring inside the caravan roof we had to turn off all the power in the building at one point as we could not isolate some of the cables from the main fuse box switches as somewhere along the way they had been bypassed! A spiders nest of bodged wiring was discovered which we had to cut back and properly isolate.

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