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Dove & Rainbow rock bar re-opens Friday 3rd from 7pm


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was nice to see you last night. Pity it was so chuffin' cold. I Like the picnic tables. The bar seems to have a bit of old time Wap feel. I am eager to see the place develop and fill up with regular punters..


The picnic tables we found stacked in the back yard, leftover from the old TUT N SHIVE days in the early 90's when they used to have them in exactly in the same places inside. It was such a great idea at the time to have outside tables inside, I thought that I would bring them in and clean them up a bit. Makes a change from bar stools and normal tables.....anything to be different from the chrome and glass of West street!!:thumbsup:


Yes the place has a time warp quality about it that not many pubs retain any more, along with places like the Dog and Partridge, Grapes, Fagans, etc, has been left alone by the developers (thank God) and meets a much needed niche market. Of course we inherited a lot of Dove & Rainbow relics from decades ago buried in various store rooms in the cellar ...might restore some of them! Not many people might know the Dove and Rainbow's history and that the site dates back to the 18th Century (at least)when there was indeed a Dove and Rainbow alehouse in the same spot, that was rebuilt after WW2.


We also have a ghost!

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Yes the place has a time warp quality about it that not many pubs retain any more, along with places like the Dog and Partridge, Grapes, Fagans, etc, has been left alone by the developers (thank God) and meets a much needed niche market.


Actually my mum told me, last week about what it used to be like before an austrailian bloke took it over, before the tut. Apparently it had a very traditional interior with horse brasses and copper tables, like a cosy "old man's" pub. He stripped all the traditional interior out and gave it a minimalist look..

Back in about 1990 it was a very traditional looking pub and my mum used to take bread around, because they did pub food.

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Its great to here that one of the old pubs is retaining its heritage. I do have a small worry though, It did get a bit unfriendly at times with some aggressive and unfriendly punks, i'm not generallising, I know loads of punks who are great, there was just a catchment of them that drank there who insisted on being T**ts, I think they were like this to my circle of friends as we're goths who dress quite trad, I don't know if they did it to anyone who wasn't punk but that seemed to be the case. I hope that it won't become a hang out for them again as it did put off a lot of people from going.


As you have dedicated the weekend to *RAWWWWWK!!* any chance of a bit of a goth night once a week? I'm sure Joza and the Shefgoth continuum (plus The Gathering croud, see my sig) would be very happy regulars, especially with the real ale you're gonna have on tap!


The Nelson have plenty of alterntive music but its Cyber/EBM/industrial goth (bleepy dance music claiming to be alternative) or Doom/Death/Black metal. So no real (late 70's/80's/90's)goth/darkwave/New Romantic nights still... and there's a bloody big crowd that listens to it - Ask the folks that run Batfink (Joza et al).


Take your point about the punk scene....yes it COULD be rather clique at times in the old days, and that is something that I do not want to repeat. So far we have had a very wide range of people, mainly from the slightly older section of the market, and have only seen one obvious punk. The DnR Bar round the corner caters for their needs now, so I don't think we will be seeing too many punks on a regular basis now they have a new home. Had a few bikers drop in, some people who drink in the Nelson, Sportsman, etc and many random passers by who liked the look of the new interior so they came in to check it out (and never would have before) and stayed most of the night!


I have approached Jozafeen at BATFINK to do a regular night, must get back in touch this week as yes, this is a very active market in sheffield and not really catered for. I would be extremely happy to have a regular night to the format you describe above.


The real ale went down very well indeed, had some people from CAMRA down last night who were highly delighted. More real ale wil be coming soon.

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I have approached Jozafeen at BATFINK to do a regular night, must get back in touch this week as yes, this is a very active market in sheffield and not really catered for. I would be extremely happy to have a regular night to the format you describe above.


I know a few people who would welcome that, including myself :)

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that's all great to here!!


Any idea when the food is going to be available? i'll drag our crowd in to sample, remember to include a few veggie options - about a third of us are veggie!!


BTW, What Single Malt Whisky do you have? (I'm a big fan of Whisky)


Food depends on sorting out the kitchen lift hoist equipment, which connects direct to the underground kitchen .this is scheduled for repair but not sure when.......hopefully before Xmas period but can't be sure....its also somewhat difficult to work logistically as the food lift comes out in the middle of the DJ box, as originally there was a food servery area in that section of the pub before it became the Tut and Shive. But we will work something out.....


whisky, not much yet in, Moorlands cheap stuff, Bells, and Jack Daniels.....a better range to follow once things are organized.....

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Non stop classic, and TOTALLY classic rock each and every SUNDAY at the original Dove & Rainbow from 7pm to 2230.....nothing newer than, oh about 1992 and going all the way back to the 60's, so expect a dose of Cream, Doors, Jefferson Airplane/Starship, Zeppelin, Grateful Dead, Floyd, Rainbow, Whitesnake, Saxon, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Bon Jovi, Skid Row, Black Crowes, Deep Purple, Free, UFO, Little Angels, Van Halen, Journey, Guns N Roses, etc etc....if we have it, it gets played, so come on down for some totally awesome classics, some great real ale on offer as well as £2 a pint, plus other great offers.

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