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Sheffield Memories - Compiled By L.S.Dunone


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Dear Sir,

The debate has been going on for years, is it the environment or parents that have the major influence on children? To be honest I feel that we all play a huge influencing factor in our communities, our very presence and the essence of our nature have an almost day to day impact on where we are and what we seem to want to do with our time.


These thoughts were validated recently when I took a walk out to the Peaks. Unusually the outbound trip was nothing special, however the walk back towards the city was when my revelation came. It's a strange feeling when you reach the crest of a hill or turn a corner to be presented with a view that is in striking contrast to where you have just emerged from. It was early evening and with no street lights my path was as black as pitch, but when I reached the top of Stanage Edge and looked down towards Sheffield I felt weak at the knees. As I looked out over the city of steel I felt breathless and giddy, 'What have I done' I said out loud.


Our influence has shaped the city over the years and made it what it is today, and from that vantage point, glistening on the horizon, the sparkling jewel, the diamonds of Yorkshire, I suddenly felt that it had been all worth while.


When I finally returned to my house I noticed a man sitting on the front wall of my garden. He had a fair complexion and was also extremely hairy, it was as if his whole body was covered in blond fur. I had to smile as I double locked my door, we are here for what seems an eternity, but really it's not all that long, and we can make strides to improve the everyday aspects of not only our own lives but the lives of many others.




Craig Mason.

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I believe this idea to have originated in the area of London around Canary Wharf (popularly known as the "Isle of Dogs" where at one time the nappy had to be produced at Post Offices when purchasing Dog Licences.

The former local MP, who won more elections than any other local politician, Herbert "Winalot" Watkinson, campaigned for a local by-law which would require the nappy to carry the number of the licence. Sadly this idea never caught on and proved to be his undoing. He was hounded from office at the next election and retired to a position at a retirement home in Barking.

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