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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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  • 1 month later...

Driving along the M6 towards Spaghetti Junc, full motorway all doing about 60 to 65mph,  a bit foggy.

Car comes up the slip road past us on the inside at about 70 and then cuts in front of me. I would say he did because the gap was then nowhere near what it should be at 60mph. Wasn't appalling driving, though why did he not slot in behind me ?

Anyway, he then did a sphincter tightening manoeuvre and literally did cut right in on the car in the middle lane. He must have missed him by between 5 and 10ft, and I am not exaggerating, at 60 to 70mph remember, then into the outside lane again almost straight away.

The car ?

A white Audi.

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46 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Driving along the M6 towards Spaghetti Junc, full motorway all doing about 60 to 65mph,  a bit foggy.

Car comes up the slip road past us on the inside at about 70 and then cuts in front of me. I would say he did because the gap was then nowhere near what it should be at 60mph. Wasn't appalling driving, though why did he not slot in behind me ?

Anyway, he then did a sphincter tightening manoeuvre and literally did cut right in on the car in the middle lane. He must have missed him by between 5 and 10ft, and I am not exaggerating, at 60 to 70mph remember, then into the outside lane again almost straight away.

The car ?

A white Audi.

Why did you change your name ?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Saw a driver driving far to fast along Middlewood road through a crowded shopping Hillsborough centre this morning, it was the most aggressive driving I have seen for a good few weeks. The reprobate was hammering it for no reason as he had to stop behind a bus anyway. Then he drives across the pavement to turn left that alleyway next to Specsavers just as I was about to cross it then he accelerates really quite hard up that short narrow cobbled side street before, obviously, having to brake hard within literally about 10 yards.

He must have been in bad a mood or something, though you'd have thought his wife/girlfriend in the front with him would have said something to slow him down !

Not an Audi this time, but it was a Mercedes, a German car......

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If some people believe that there are not certain aggressive and attention seeking drivers out there, you need to be aware of what happening around when you drive.


They like to draw attention to themselves, by various means, screeching rubber takeoffs at lights, loud exhausts, deafening music when alongside. and following too close for comfort on the highway, lane change weaving, failing to give way, and every else to show they are not your average driver.


And yes, they do favor certain cars that are capable of these dangerous maneuvers, and they DO favor a certain color.


Any car salesman, will agree!


I taught my kids to watch out for them and give them lots of room. Defensive driving is a must, if you've put on all the miles I have in business and travel, and survived to  a ripe old age to talk about it.  :)


I'd suggest some folks should be a little more aware of what's going around them while driving.

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