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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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I've noticed something in Woodseats about driving behaviour.


The traffic situation due to the amount of lights causes backups, which is great for pedestrians, of which I am one sometimes.


But, when the lights go red, people leave the exits from side roads unblocked to let the other cars out. And this includes buses.


Maybe we are learning at last. For there is nothing we can do about the situation that has been created.


And everyone seems to give you a hand signal ' Thank you ' also.

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Without trying to pick fault, it seems that you're struggling to grasp how lanes are supposed to be used.

You drive in the left most lane normally, the other lanes are used for overtaking, then you pull back in, unless road signs indicate otherwise (for example as you approach a roundabout).

If you want to move into the outer lane, accelerate to match the pace of that lane before manoeuvring into it.


It's not your job to enforce the speed limit by driving in an overtaking lane when you aren't overtaking.


When you say it isn`t my job to enforce the speed limit what do you mean exactly ?


Do you mean that you don`t regard breaking the speed limit as a crime/anti social behaviour ?

If this is what you mean then why don`t you just say so ?


On the other hand are you saying that it`s not my job (or anyone else`s) to try and prvent a crime and/or anti social behaviour taking place ? If this is what you mean, ie no help for the police from the public, then the police probably couldn`t do their job.


I have to admit that what is of more interest to me is whether you would extend this principle of "it`s not my job" to trying to prevent a burglary of your house ?

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Actually, I've found it's the people in those stupid little Smart cars. Not only do those cars not look safe


i hate smart cars, remind me of a rollerskate, but i must say, i was quite impressed when top gear tested them against the corsa, they run them into a concrete slab at about 80mph, the corsa came off worse, who ever would have been in a smart car at least might have come out alive:)

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White vans - As a general rule the more men there are piled onto the front seats, the more aggressive the driving will be. Florescent tabards are a sure sign that they will holler out of the window at women as well.


4x4s - A top tip is to look for the tow bar. If there isn't one, then you have found a Chelsea Tractor, and should proceed with caution. Anticipate moronic driving and give it a wide berth, especially around junctions.


BMWs - When driven by males these cars seem to be magnetically attracted to the car in front. You will be able to see the pores on the nose of the driver through your rear view mirror.


Bicycles - Expect erratic behavior at all times and a complete disregard for any part of the Highway Code, coupled by a staunch belief that all car drivers are out to get them. People on foot should also beware, especially at pedestrian crossings.



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I have to admit that what is of more interest to me is whether you would extend this principle of "it`s not my job" to trying to prevent a burglary of your house ?

You are suggesting that because someone disagrees with a particular law in certain situations he therefore disagrees with all laws, that's just plain ridiculous. If someone disagrees with a law it doesn't mean that they break it just because they are discussing it on here.

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