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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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Incidentally this is all irrelevant because I do not generally drive in the outside lane to prevent others breaking the speed limit. The only exception to this is if some cretin tailgates me or otherwise tries to intimidate me (whilst I`m overtaking someone else), in which case I`ll stay in the outside lane as long as I can be bothered.


The only reason I`m re-entering this debate is because I want to hear Cyclones answer to the question would he want me to try and stop someone burgling his house, and if he would want me to intervene, is that not inconsistent with his earlier argument.

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In the case of a burglary you would be intervening on behalf of the victim presumably. In the case of the (hypothetical it now seems) intervention on the motorway you are proventing them breaking the law but there isn't a victim unless there's an accident. If there were an accident and you stopped someone leaving the scene or stood as a witness that would be different as you would be acting on behalf of a specific person rather than just enforcing the system.

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In the case of a burglary you would be intervening on behalf of the victim presumably. In the case of the (hypothetical it now seems) intervention on the motorway you are proventing them breaking the law but there isn't a victim unless there's an accident. If there were an accident and you stopped someone leaving the scene or stood as a witness that would be different as you would be acting on behalf of a specific person rather than just enforcing the system.


The whole point is to avoid an accident in the first place.

Did you watch that programme "Killer Road" on TV the other day ?

It`s often too late once there has been an accident.

Although I`m not suggesting that most speeding/aggressive drivers are deliberately trying to kill other people they are putting them in greater danger and they`re certainly winding them up with their selfish discourtesy. As such it`s like saying if someone tries to shoot you, but misses, then there is no victim, and therefore nothing should be done to them.


This is reminding me why I try not to go on SF, because you get sucked into an argument that you`d really rather not. I don`t mind debating/arguing with people face to face but doing it on a Forum is something I find rather frustrating and, ultimately, fruitless.


I only want to hear Cyclone trying to justify his argument.

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This is reminding me why I try not to go on SF, because you get sucked into an argument that you`d really rather not. I don`t mind debating/arguing with people face to face but doing it on a Forum is something I find rather frustrating and, ultimately, fruitless.

Yes indeed.
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When you say it isn`t my job to enforce the speed limit what do you mean exactly ?

That your responsibility on the road is to drive to the best of your ability, which doesn't involve trying to affect the behaviour of other traffic whether or not you believe that they are breaking the law.


Do you mean that you don`t regard breaking the speed limit as a crime/anti social behaviour ?

I don't believe that using appropriate speed (which may be higher or lower than the posted limit) is anti social. Obviously it may be braking the law

If this is what you mean then why don`t you just say so ?

I thought that what I'd said was quite clear. You should move out of the overtaking lane if you are not overtaking, to do otherwise is demonstrating bad driving that is worse than braking the speed limit in a safe way.


On the other hand are you saying that it`s not my job (or anyone else`s) to try and prvent a crime and/or anti social behaviour taking place ? If this is what you mean, ie no help for the police from the public, then the police probably couldn`t do their job.

Feel free to ask them, but I can guarantee that the police will not appreciate any vigilantism from you either on the roads or anywhere else.


I have to admit that what is of more interest to me is whether you would extend this principle of "it`s not my job" to trying to prevent a burglary of your house ?

Preventing a burglary in your own home isn't done to stop someone breaking the law, it's done to protect your property.

If you saw a pub serve alcohol 5 minutes after it's licensed closing time would you feel obliged to try to stop them?

If you noticed that someone in the duty free area had purchases 1.5 litres instead of 1 litre of spirits, would you take it from them or physically stop them leaving the country?

How about if you saw someone protesting without permission near downing street, would you take their placards away and march them out of the area?


Just some other examples of victimless 'crimes' where vigilantism would be a mistake, or at least I think it would.

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