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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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between the hours of 08:30 - 09:30 4X4 women drivers in American dodge Rams that are soooooo big they look through the steering wheels like they are wearing a crash helmet.


15:00 - 16:00 same as above but full of kids shouting at people walking.


Long distance driving on country roads to Skeggy, Volvo Estate drivers who are going to the caravan for 2 days and pack out the car for a 6 month trip but never leave the caravan all weekend.

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Preventing a burglary in your own home isn't done to stop someone breaking the law, it's done to protect your property.



I was refering to if I saw a burglary at your house, would you want me to get involved (in an attempt to stop it) then.

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On the subject of speeding being a "victimless crime" :


The whole point is to avoid an accident in the first place.

Did you watch that programme "Killer Road" on TV the other day ?

It`s often too late once there has been an accident.

Although I`m not suggesting that most speeding/aggressive drivers are deliberately trying to kill other people they are putting them in greater danger and they`re certainly winding them up with their selfish discourtesy. As such it`s like saying if someone tries to shoot you, but misses, then there is no victim, and therefore nothing should be done to them.

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And you think you can do that by driving dangerously yourself? Interesting logic. I hope I never see you on the roads.


No one who has driven with me (certainly in the last 15 years) would say I was a dangerous or aggressive driver, nor have I had an accident or conviction in that time. Therefore I am a loss to understand your position.

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On the subject of speeding being a "victimless crime"


It is, the actual act of speeding does not create any victim.


The whole point is to avoid an accident in the first place.


Did you watch that programme "Killer Road" on TV the other day ?


It`s often too late once there has been an accident.

also agreed.

..... speeding/aggressive drivers

not the same thing and you know it.


... are putting them in greater danger and they`re certainly winding them up with their selfish discourtesy.

only the aqgressive ones are. Plenty of aggressive drivers below the speed limit and lost of careful safe ones above the legal limit.


As such it`s like saying if someone tries to shoot you, but misses, then there is no victim, and therefore nothing should be done to them.


daft analogy, someone trying to shoot you IS trying to do the deliberate harm

that you said above that drivers were not. No victim? there will at least be the laundry bill if a bullet came whizzing past your head.

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Quite a debate...

the slow,believed Careful, Drive how they were taught types,slag off the bmw,vans,or anything that wants to make reasonable progress.

The capable drivers pointing towards,micras,volvos(the ones with the hats)or anything with one of the above in.you can recognise them by their noses squashed on the windscreen,the back of the seat leaning forward and steering wheel marked at 10 to 2,usually concentrating on where they are aiming,usually concentration soaking up all resorces even too much to acknowledge a good deed,nowadays these can also be found causing mayhem in 4 wheel drives,especially when it comes to trying to park.

I was out on my bike the other day as any biker will tell you its common to nod an acknowledgement at other bikers,i had to laugh to myself thinking if they were in their cars they would probably be sticking a finger up to someone instead.funny old world isnt it?

In answer to the topic question,one car comes to mind The Micra.i mean get real...if you had any driving ability at all,why would you choose a Micra?

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Quite a debate...

the slow,believed Careful, Drive how they were taught types,slag off the bmw,vans,or anything that wants to make reasonable progress.

The capable drivers pointing towards,micras,volvos(the ones with the hats)or anything with one of the above in.you can recognise them by their noses squashed on the windscreen,the back of the seat leaning forward and steering wheel marked at 10 to 2,usually concentrating on where they are aiming,usually concentration soaking up all resorces even too much to acknowledge a good deed,nowadays these can also be found causing mayhem in 4 wheel drives,especially when it comes to trying to park.

I was out on my bike the other day as any biker will tell you its common to nod an acknowledgement at other bikers,i had to laugh to myself thinking if they were in their cars they would probably be sticking a finger up to someone instead.funny old world isnt it?

In answer to the topic question,one car comes to mind The Micra.i mean get real...if you had any driving ability at all,why would you choose a Micra?

Good post apart from last sentence, great cars although you do get bullied in them.
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Quite a debate...

the slow,believed Careful, Drive how they were taught types,slag off the bmw,vans,or anything that wants to make reasonable progress.

The capable drivers pointing towards,micras,volvos(the ones with the hats)or anything with one of the above in.you can recognise them by their noses squashed on the windscreen,the back of the seat leaning forward and steering wheel marked at 10 to 2,usually concentrating on where they are aiming,usually concentration soaking up all resorces even too much to acknowledge a good deed,nowadays these can also be found causing mayhem in 4 wheel drives,especially when it comes to trying to park.

I was out on my bike the other day as any biker will tell you its common to nod an acknowledgement at other bikers,i had to laugh to myself thinking if they were in their cars they would probably be sticking a finger up to someone instead.funny old world isnt it?

In answer to the topic question,one car comes to mind The Micra.i mean get real...if you had any driving ability at all,why would you choose a Micra?



I think you`re advacing incorrect stereotypes here. I used to have bikes (550s, 600s and 650s) and I used to have a 2.1 Westfield which I built myself.

It`s just I`ve matured a bit now and cannot justify putting others at risk for my (not so cheap) thrills.

Incidentally I don`t think speeding around on bikes is quite so anti social and selfish (as it would be in a car) because if you have an accident the chances are it`ll be you that`s dead, or playing wheelchair basketball for the rest of your life.

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