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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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Slightly off topic, have you noticed any improvement in the way people drive?


Even with the driving test being more thorough, it doesnt seem to have had any effect on the way people drive...


I believe its much worse.


Thats because it has NOT got more thorough,you just watch too much tv.

Drivers used to be tested on every excersice,now its just a random 2.


The driving test is a joke and its producing drivers who think cos they managed to scrape through they are good drivers and the attitudes of many are nothing short of dangerous.

As for what they drive,they come in every type of vehicle you can think of.

If your a slow incapable crap driver then you will regard the capable as the worst,and visa versa.

The slow incapable crap drivers,has to be said many women have the worst attitudes on our roads and its a much bigger problem then a few mph ever was,but it goes self policed by people who its hard to imagine tying their own shoe laces never mind drive a car.


Heres one....




Like i said idiots come in every type of vehicle,perfect drivers just exist on forums and you dont have to look far to see them,but really who are they to judge?

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Anyone who refuses to accept ANY criticism as regards their driving is a bad driver irrespective of the wheels they own.

It would have to depend upon where the criticism is coming from. Anyone can criticise but not everyone has a clue what they're on about.

Because said women in the said car, is never directley involved in the accident, but see's a hell of a lot of them unravel in her rear view mirror while checking her lippy....


So in short, they cause the accident due to other drivers trying to avoid them.

I can agree with this to an extent. The last two dangerous experiences I have had when driving were both down women in Renault Scenics, oblivious to other road users behind them.


While aggressive drivers can be dangerous, incompetents are worse. They lack the skill to avoid problems. People with no interest in motoring can be hopeless on the road. You can often see them in the sorts of vehicles that anyone with a vague clue about cars wouldn't buy, tootling along in in the outside lane well below the speed limit, irritating those behind them whose progress they are impeding.

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WOMEN DRIVERS! also boy racers but still women are worst not being sexiest or anything just an opinion, some women may be better than men book look at sheilas wheels they even said that women drivers are worser than boy racers! and thats a womens insurance policy! look out for germans also they are pretty bad drivers. vauxall corsas, saxos. anything small and a young adult would get insured on.

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tootling along in in the outside lane well below the speed limit, irritating those behind them whose progress they are impeding.


Yep, and I always have the fear that if I do decide to overtake them on the left that they might decide to switch lanes and pile straight into the side of me due to not looking in the mirrors.


I had to laugh the other day on the way to work, 2 oldies in a car and both wing mirrors folded in!!

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I had to laugh the other day on the way to work, 2 oldies in a car and both wing mirrors folded in!!


Saw a similar sort of thing however it was a woman driving a bright yellow Micra or Beetle, one of the new 'girly' cars anyway, and she was attempting to reverse into a parking space with both mirrors folded in.. Thought this was a bit odd, as im sure they are mostly electric nowadays and fold out when you start the engine? Whatever the problem was, it did look funny

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WOMEN DRIVERS! also boy racers but still women are worst not being sexiest or anything just an opinion, some women may be better than men book look at sheilas wheels they even said that women drivers are worser than boy racers! and thats a womens insurance policy! look out for germans also they are pretty bad drivers. vauxall corsas, saxos. anything small and a young adult would get insured on.


When it comes to driving, women are far safer and more law-abiding than men, according to government figures.


Male motorists were responsible for 88% of all driving offences that resulted in findings of guilt in court in England and Wales in 2002, the Home Office statistics showed.


Furthermore, men committed almost all the most serious offences, such as causing death and dangerous driving: women committed just 6% of the death or bodily harm offences in 2002 and just 3% of dangerous driving offences.



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