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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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Steve Straddling, Professor of Transport Psychology at Napier University, Edinburgh, said: "A key factor is that women get less fun out of risktaking. People speed because they are under pressure, and women have different patterns.


"Men are more likely to speed to make a business appointment."


Professor Straddling's own research showed that 45 per cent of women believed motorway speed limits should never be broken, compared with 30 per cent of men.


Women were also better at resisting pressure to accelerate-in fast-moving traffic.






There's a reason why we don't say "Girl racers".

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"White van driver", stereotyping....cant speak for all VAN drivers because lets face it, there not all white but I do in fact drive a white van, I carry a fair amount of expensive and delicate products and equipment needed to do my job, oh and not to mention it has my name written all over it, not very clever of me if I drive recklessly is it as it will affect business which is hard enough to gain as it is, so would you still consider me to be one of the very same white van drivers that has been referred to....

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Yep, women are appalling, apart from men, who are 9 times worse:




My bold. NO!


If we take into consideration the statistics in final sentence of that article (men were behind the wheel an average of 6,500 miles a year compared to 2900 for women), we discover that woman are responsible for only approximately 31% of total miles driven which is more that a little relevant to the situation.



"But they are still much less likely to have a high- speed accident resulting in death. Some 238 women were killed in crashes in 2002 compared to 907 men".


The only thing this tells us is that many more men were killed in car accidents than women, over the given period. It says nothing of the gender/s of all those involved who were at the wheel, or how many were just passengers and of course accidents can result from a third party driver doing something stupid on the road but not actually ended up in the resultant collision him/herself.

Edited by shims
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  • 2 months later...

We went down to Boston (Lincolnshire, not the other one......) and I have to say there is an additional category of bad drivers :

Bumpkin Drivers.

You know the type I mean, the ones who inhabit coutry roads and drive like lunatics. Thick inbreds with no imagination about how dangerous their actions are.

It really is no wonder at all that the roads in Lincolnshire are amongst the most dangerous in the country, a lot of the drivers are absolute idiots.


I was driving along the A17, doing the speed limit, i.e. not pootling around at 30 to 40mph, I was doing a genuine 60mph. A car went past me doing not far off 80mph, a woman in a Ford Fiesta ! Then another car. Then another.

I began to think it was actually a dual carriageway but the West bound lanes were obscured by trees, until a car came round the corner going in the opposite direction......

What`s so frightening about this was they weren`t immature petrol heads in "souped up Saxos" who`ll hopefully grow out of it, they were middle aged adults in saloon cars who must drive like that all the time.


Edited by Justin Smith
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WOMEN DRIVERS! also boy racers but still women are worst not being sexiest or anything just an opinion, some women may be better than men book look at sheilas wheels they even said that women drivers are worser than boy racers! and thats a womens insurance policy! look out for germans also they are pretty bad drivers. vauxall corsas, saxos. anything small and a young adult would get insured on.


Sounds like the people who say 'I'm not racist, but...'


I've come across a number of Golf drivers who drive like idiots, but then I got stuck behind one recently doing 30mph in a 40 limit.

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