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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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I was driving along the A17, doing the speed limit, i.e. not pootling around at 30 to 40mph, I was doing a genuine 60mph. A car went past me doing not far off 80mph, a woman in a Ford Fiesta ! Then another car. Then another.

I began to think it was actually a dual carriageway but the West bound lanes were obscured by trees, until a car came round the corner going in the opposite direction......

What`s so frightening about this was they weren`t immature petrol heads in "souped up Saxos" who`ll hopefully grow out of it, they were middle aged adults in saloon cars who must drive like that all the time.



I think you'll find they're almost certainly city dwellers who think a nice wide road means foot down, and there's no chance of coming round a bend to find a tractor pulling out on one side of the road and traffic on the other.


The A17 used to be three lanes wide for a significant portion, to allow cars to safely overtake tractors and other slow vehicles. Unfortunately, to many city dwellers killed themselves thinking the middle lane was for their direction of traffic, colliding head on with someone else who thought the middle lane was for their direction. Nowadays, most of the deaths come from people who think tractors should be banned from the roads pulling out into oncoming traffic.


I've seen two cars overtaking lorries pass each other in opposite directions at the time, both doing over the speed limit. Would have been horrific if they'd clipped one another.

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I know that you have added the "generalisation" clause, but I think it's true. There have been times I've felt that I've pinned down a car which generally contains the worst drivers, but generally I'll be set right by someone else driving worse, or someone in that car driving very well and considerately.


I think there are considerations with certain cars as to the attitude which makes the car desirable will generally come with an approach to driving which is not ideal. There are also cars which are not necessarily suited to every person and can affect a person's driving negatively - the obvious example being a short person in a car with a high bonnet.

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Originally Posted by Bassman62

The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?


The don't they ride bikes:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


Just having a laugh (note the smilys) to which our dear friend below felt the need to write.


Oh look, here comes Bassman62 to sabotage another thread.
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Theres something about the volvo that makes it one of the most maddening vehicles on the road. For a start you cant overtake one, its as if its got some sort of automatic device to make it continually swerve outwards just as you indicate to overtake, then it has some sort of limiter on it to make it go 10mph below any speed limit thats set for the road your on.

I know some perfectly good drivers who turn into instant gibbering monkeys the second they switch the ignition of a volvo on. Theyre a gormless version of Steven Kings Christine.


you wont see me daudling in my volvo mate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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you wont see me daudling in my volvo mate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When I used to motorcycle (25 or so years ago), the image was of Volvo drivers being the worst.


At that time, (pre Euro NCAP), Volvos were regarded as being the safest cars (in terms of protection in a crash). The perceived wisdom was that the drivers felt safe, and so drove without a care for anyone else. Hence riders were at risk.


Are there any current motorcyclists out there who'd care to say if there is a current "worst" car?

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