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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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Poorly modded Japanese cars with drivers who look like they are sat on the floor and not on a seat.


My golf is like that. But I tell you what it don't half make for a relaxing drive doing motorways daily. I'm surprised in what little visibility difference there is between seat right up and not.

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In my experience, the worst drivers tend to be those wearing a head covering of some kind, whether that's an old bloke in a hat or a young bloke in a baseball cap. I always assume they're going to do really stupid things, and take extra care around them.



They need their hats on to keep their brains warm:hihi:
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  • 6 months later...
micra drivers without a doubt


and can you guess why??, they have all of 989cc !!, whew the power when you put your foot down is something to behold!. and the gears are so close, when your in fourth, doing around 35 mph the engines screams. that's why, no point in wasting precious fuel just so some ++++head behind can get to where hes going a few minutes faster.

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