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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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and can you guess why??, they have all of 989cc !!, whew the power when you put your foot down is something to behold!. and the gears are so close, when your in fourth, doing around 35 mph the engines screams. that's why, no point in wasting precious fuel just so some ++++head behind can get to where hes going a few minutes faster.


No self respecting driver would touch a Micra with a barge pole.Drivers either buy them cos they are cheap or cos they are cute,not for any other reason although some might be fooled into thinking they are economical.


Molly you seem to be a really selfish driver who goes about thinking that its ok for you to carry your bad attitude outside your door and make other pay while your in a vehicle.

When your walking about a busy shopping centre you wouldnt use the same attitude would you (because it would quickly be kerbed)?So why do it in a car?

Next time you have someone behind you who is entitled to go about their way without some one like you so selfish hampering their progress,try slowing down a little and waving them past,you will have a much much better day!

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BMW's because they are the entry level posh car brand that the lower classes aspire to, and once somebody has begged stolen and (usually) borrowed to get one they suddenly think they have arrived and get all cocky. FACT!!- I saw my mates driving change when he got one.

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I went on one of those speed awareness course things once, it was surprisingly absorbing and comprehensive seminar in road safety and all sorts of issues were addressed. But BRANDS of cars were not mentioned.


it's like cooking. If you're a good cook or a bad cook, it doesn't matter what brand of cooker you use, or even if it's a gas or electric one. You're a good cook or a bad cook regardless.

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The thing is he already had 9 points on his licence, so, provably, he`s a bad driver. I`d say an unsafe driver, particularly as shortly after the alledged incident he was prosecuted for chatting on his mobile whilst driving.


Not dealing with the person in question just the bit I've emboldened. Having points on your license does not 'prove' anyone to be a bad driver at all. It means they have broken the law and been caught more than once.

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