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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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  • 4 weeks later...
"The Final Countdown" (with apologies to all 80s Rockers)


All Cars

German Cars



Black BMW X5s

Black BMW X5s driven by men

Back BMW X5s driven by men with concerns over their manhood

Top of the bill Black BMW X5s with excessively tinted windows


Actually I may gave to modify this list slightly, the last three examples of the absolute worst driving I`ve seen have all been Audis, and, somewhat surprisingly, all 4 door saloons.

Still a German car though !

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I drive a Range Rover there for more important then most on the road. lol


The thing about Range Rovers, and all 4WDs, if you have an accident with one it`s far more likely to kill you. For that reason alone they should be encouraged off the road with huge extra taxes.

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if there's room for them to pass you on the inside, then you are in the wrong lane and should be removed from the road for poor lane discipline.


You`re talking rubbish.


Off the top of my head I can think of 2 scenarios where this is obvious.


The first is a driving situation I come across frequently as I drive home past Hillsborough football ground. It`s a busy dual carriageway and there are nearly always cars parked on the left, so as I come over the brow I check if there are any there, if they are I pull out into the right hand lane early so as not to have to pull out or cut someone up at last minute, which is what many crap drivers do. Either they see the parked cars and think "I can get past on the inside then force my way in later" (= selfish and aggressive), or they don`t see the parked cars and therefore they`re poor drivers with no observation or anticipation skills.


The other is on a motorway which the following explains.


Lets` face it, whether you`re a "middle lane hogger" or not must surely depend on the speed you`re driving at ?

Bearing in mind that every time you change lanes on any road (but particularly a motorway with other vehicles going anywhere between 50mph and 100mph+) you are taking a small risk, so surely, within reason, one should try to limit how often one changes lanes.



In the middle lane at 50mph = Dangerous ?

In the middle lane at 60mph = Discourteous ?

In the middle lane at 70mph = Irrelevant ? (because, by definition, anyone passing you is exceeding the speed limit and therefore breaking the law......)


Obviously I`m not saying that drivers should sit permanently in the middle lane, but it`s a balancing act between limiting lane changing and returning to the inside lane, which usually has the slowest moving vehicles in it.


I can`t wait to see how quickly someone comes on here selectively quoting the Highway Code, so I`ll do it for them :

264 You should always drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear (my italics).

261 You MUST NOT exceed 70 mph, or the maximum speed limit permitted for your vehicle.


should / should not = "advisory wording"

MUST / MUST NOT = "if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence"

So these prats who come up your rear end flashing you when you are actually doing the speed limit want to take the plank out of their own eye before worrying about the splinter in someone elses. And anyway, if they`re so desperate to break the law (sorry, overtake) why don`t they just go past in the outside lane ? Is that too difficult for them ?

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  • 10 months later...

On the evening commute out of Sheffield last night did anyone else see that black BMW 1 series (with the heavily tinted rear windows) driving along Penistone Rd ?

You know the one going at it like the Dodge Ems weaving in and out of the traffic, cutting people up, overtaking on the nearside, using the wrong lanes, speeding etc etc.

It was all a waste of time for the idiot anyway because my lane caught up with him by Leppings lane roundabout !

Unsurprisingly it was a young lad driving (how does he afford the insurance ? ! ? ) and the stereotype was finished off nicely by his blonde girlfriend sat next to him. I Do wonder what she thinks of his driving, does she ever say anything to him, or is she immature enough to be impressed by it ?

Now, just remind me, a BMW, that`s a German car isn`t it ?

How strange.......

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