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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Again with the 4wd bashing, not all 4wds are big hulking pieces of metal mines 4wd but is a 5 door hatch.


Sorry, just to clarify, drivers of large heavy 4WDs (or indeed large heavy any wheel drives) should drive more carefully because they`re more likely to kill someone in an accident.


---------- Post added 14-02-2013 at 11:41 ----------


Today I saw some middel aged bloke (what an imbecilic jerk he is) in a silver 4WD Mercedes turn left as he went through the lights at Leppings lane whilst texting on his mobile.

Mercedes = German car.

Having said that I don`t think texting is more likely with the driver of a German car, it`s aggressive and/or excessively fast driving that`s more likely.

Edited by Justin Smith
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  • 1 year later...

I was on Rutland Rd today, at about 3PM, a grey/silver Audi R8 (a German car....) went past, he, and it would almost certainly have been a he, was red lining his engine and doing about 60 odd.

Now the driver of that car is an ignorant, selfish, arrogant git. If he reads this (or anyone who knows him, get him to read this) and wants to argue with me I`d be delighted, come down to my shop ATV on Langsett Rd, 9.00 to 5.30 Mon to Fri. And if he ever kills any of my family whilst driving like an areshole I`ll bring Derrick the Decider down and smash every light, every window and every panel on his crappy car. And that isn`t a threat, it`s a promise. And if he, having killed someone I love, is any sort of a decent person he`d be happy for me to do so.


The ultimate irony is that the git probably thinks people are impressed by his driving, whereas in actual fact the vast majority of people will be thinking what a <REMOVED>.......

Edited by nikki-red
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I was on Rutland Rd today, at about 3PM, a grey/silver Audi R8 (a German car....) went past, he, and it would almost certainly have been a he, was red lining his engine and doing about 60 odd.
60-odd at the red line sounds supsiciously slow, for an R8 :D


You sure he was red-lining it? Sounds like









You ever think about anger management courses, Justin?


Disclaimer: I own both a Mercedes and a 4WD :P

Edited by L00b
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60-odd at the red line sounds supsiciously slow, for an R8 :D


You sure he was red-lining it? Sounds like




You ever think about anger management courses, Justin?


Disclaimer: I own both a Mercedes and a 4WD :P


Getting angry about people who might kill someone ? I can`t understand why anyone wouldn`t get angry about it..... I assume they`d certainly get angry if their child was unfortunate enough to be under the aforementioned cretin`s wheels......

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I'm sure there was a similar discussion about dogs the other day.

By the way, look at me! I drive a 4 x 4 and have a big dog. It must be the size of my manhood.


The unfortunate but incontrovertible fact about big 4x4s, is that if you`re driving one and hit someone else, you`re far more likely to kill or seriously injure them than if you were driving a normal car. Have you ever thought about that ? And what were your conclusions ?

Now if you need a 4x4 for your job (as my best mate does) that`s a bit different, though it`s incumbent upon you to drive as safely as possible in it. But if somebody has only got a big 4x4 because they think it looks nice or whatever then I can`t help thinking there`s something a bit selfish in there somewhere....

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The unfortunate but incontrovertible fact about big 4x4s, is that if you`re driving one and hit someone else, you`re far more likely to kill or seriously injure them than if you were driving a normal car. Have you ever thought about that ? And what were your conclusions ?

Now if you need a 4x4 for your job (as my best mate does) that`s a bit different, though it`s incumbent upon you to drive as safely as possible in it. But if somebody has only got a big 4x4 because they think it looks nice or whatever then I can`t help thinking there`s something a bit selfish in there somewhere....


Looking at your tag line it seems that you have an agenda?

In the free world we have the right to choose. I choose a 4 x 4 because I shoot, have dogs, traverse land which needs four wheel drive et al.

As I said in a previous post I have been driving off road in the military in extreme conditions over 30 years. I think I have become quite proficient.

I resat an advance driving course 2 years ago and passed so I think that should answer your question.

By the way, if my vehicle of choice were a van, mini bus or even an lgv all of which weigh more than a 4x4 when laden,would you be making the same comment or is it just 4x4 drivers you don't like?

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I would say 90% of 4x4 drivers do so as a status thing. 10% dogs! outdoor activities! work etc.


Worst thing about 4x4 is silly women who can't drive em properly doing the school run and causing daily carnage.


4x4's cost more to buy, more to fuel, more to tax, more to repair.


Why on earth anyone who didn't actually need one, should buy one is completely beyond me.


Ta da

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