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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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How a deliberate decision can be determined to be without attention I don't know.


I guess they've got to persecute them under something?


Technically I don't think they actually changed the wording of the law (Road Traffic Act)

They just announced that hogging the middle lane would be seen as 'driving without due care and attention'


I can't remember what they said Tailgating would be persecuted under.

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I guess they've got to persecute them under something?


Technically I don't think they actually changed the wording of the law (Road Traffic Act)

They just announced that hogging the middle lane would be seen as 'driving without due care and attention'


I can't remember what they said Tailgating would be persecuted under.


"Careless driving" according to this



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Probably not, you would get minor's for not making reasonable progress.


I passed having done 60 in a 70 limit dual carriageway though, I got 1 minor for it.


Couple it with being in the wrong lane and you would almost certainly fail I think.


Serious fault in "Positioning", I reckon I.e. A fail. Had one pupil fail in wrong lane all the way down Price of Wales towards Darnall plus one fail on the same road towards Manor Top.


A "serious" for lack of progress ensues if deemed to be consistent and the examiner could reinforce with "do you remember the red car that was in your boot/undertook?"

Could be a driving fault, though, if it wasn't consistent and it caused no-one any problems.

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I guess they've got to persecute them under something?


Technically I don't think they actually changed the wording of the law (Road Traffic Act)

They just announced that hogging the middle lane would be seen as 'driving without due care and attention'


I can't remember what they said Tailgating would be persecuted under.


The Law was only changed as far it allowed these offences to be dealt with tickets on-the-spot whereas they had been see-you-in-Court offences.


---------- Post added 24-06-2014 at 17:48 ----------


I would expect to fail. (Although I don't know how the points system works, and how many little and how many big errors, if any, you're allowed to make)


Would you pass your test if you were travelling at 60 and caught up with the driver who was doing 50 in the outside lane and you carried on at 60 in the inside lane and passed him on the inside?


15 driving faults is a pass, 16 is fail.

Any driving fault could, however, be deemed to be "serious" or "dangerous" and one of these is a fail whatever else happens on the marking sheet.

An accumulation of driving faults in any one part of the marking sheet can tot up to qualify as a seriously consistent fault and a fail but, amazingly, I once saw a pass sheet with 13 mirror faults (!)

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The Law was only changed as far it allowed these offences to be dealt with tickets on-the-spot whereas they had been see-you-in-Court offences.


---------- Post added 24-06-2014 at 17:48 ----------



15 driving faults is a pass, 16 is fail.

Any driving fault could, however, be deemed to be "serious" or "dangerous" and one of these is a fail whatever else happens on the marking sheet.

An accumulation of driving faults in any one part of the marking sheet can tot up to qualify as a seriously consistent fault and a fail but, amazingly, I once saw a pass sheet with 13 mirror faults (!)


Thanks for that. It's a long time since my test, as I don't remember how it was done or even if it was like that at all (40 odd years ago).

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I guess they've got to persecute them under something?


Technically I don't think they actually changed the wording of the law (Road Traffic Act)

They just announced that hogging the middle lane would be seen as 'driving without due care and attention'


I can't remember what they said Tailgating would be persecuted under.


It was undertaking though, this was made a specific crime wasn't it?


Ah - think I got a bit confused, I thought undertaking had been singled out for some sort of "it's always dangerous" approach. But maybe not.

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BMW and Audi drivers are obnoxious, speed and don't indicate.

I even saw an Audi driver cut up an ambulance without indicating a few days back... No flashing lights, but doesn't mean nobody was in there .

Another Audi who was speeding in line with an ambulance, I pulled over to allow the ambulance past, he just followed the ambulance rather than letting me carry on as normal.

Another Audi one on the m18 who was oblivious a flashing ambulance was attempting to get past on the outside lane, even though I had noticed it a good minute behind, as had other and everyone had gone to the left lane.


That said, I drive a BMW... I am courteous to other road users and use indicators (even if nobody is around, as it is just natural)


But I believe in driving to speed limits and have been known to overtake because of people not utilising speed limits like they can.

NSL places... People doing lower than 50 need overtaking and I do so (when safe and when it is safe to do the actual NSL) .

I do get frustrated following cars in a 30 zone and doing 20. I shouldn't, but I do.

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