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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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  • 10 months later...

I don`t know whether this is totally relevant to a thread on what type of car the worst drivers actually drive but the worst car drivers are found in Bradford. We drove through there on the way to Keighley (what a drag that is, is there a faster way than right through Bradford.....) and I can see why car insurance in Bradford is the highest in the country. I`ve never seen so many lawyers adverts / signs for "had a crash make a claim" and when you combine that with the worst driving I think I`ve ever seen high insurance is what you get.

One car cut us up.

Next a black Honda overtook us whilst we were in a slow moving queue and cut the corner whilst turning right and narrowly missed a car coming in the other direction, I still don`t know how he missed him....

But the worst example is probably the worst driving I can remember seeing. We were in Manningham in a stationary queue for a set of lights when a white Porsche Panamera (a German car.....) went past on the inside doing at least 20 mph. I say on the inside because we were in the inside lane ! He was half up on the pavement ! ! What we couldn`t work out is where he went because about 50 yards further on there was street sign which would have stopped him going any further in his half on the pavement drive off. If any pedestrians had been crossing through the stationary traffic (worse if there`d been a van or tall 4WD with blacked out windows blocking the visibility) it`d have been Goodnight Vienna. It was a young Asian bloke with two mates, we`d just seen him parked up earlier, yes he was also half up on the pavement (on double yellows) there.....

Edited by Justin Smith
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  • 1 month later...

I was very interested to find out the percentage of German cars* on the road, particularly as I`m in the middle of another piece of research (what type of cars are guilty of shockingly bad driving, the type which makes us wince, "bloody hell" (did you see that) driving as I call it) and so need to know whether German cars really are responsible for a greater number of these incidents than their numbers on the road would normally result in.

In about half an hour at the Leppings Lane / Penistone Rd** lights early afternoon I counted 912 cars, of which 157 were German, that equates to 17.2%. I`d have thought that would be accurate to a few percent either way, so we`ll settle on 15 to 20% of the cars on the road are German.

So, if drivers of German cars really aren`t any worse (as in more aggressive and/or impatient) than drivers of other cars then only 1 in 5 of incidents involving bad driving should involve German cars. I can tell you it`s way over that, well over 50% in fact, but I haven`t quite finished my research on it.


* Defined as VW, Mercedes, Audi, BMW & Porsche.


** It was early afternoon on a Thursday. I didn`t even count quite all the cars and didn`t include vans or trucks. So basically, even outside of the peak hours, that`s over 2000 vehicles per hour use that junction......


Addition 13 Jul 15 : initial research indicates that there is a higher percentage of German cars on eth motorways, possibly as high as 25%.

Edited by Justin Smith
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There are no *worst* cars, just confirmation bias. You think BMW drivers are bad? Ok, so whenever you see a BMW driving bad you say to yourself, 'see I knew they were bad!' You probably won't even notice when a BMW is courteous.


It's almost impossible to change that bias as well.


My bad driver car are Vauxhall's over 10 years old. Exclusively driven my men with teeny manhoods needing to show how awesome they are by being aggressive, impatient and dangerous. I am just as guilty of conformation bias as anyone else!

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