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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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So it's not just me? I was beginning to doubt myself:)


Nope. Absolutely mental. Nothing too offensive and nothing to worry about, and such singlemindedness and individual progressive thinking should be applauded for its own sake, but quite quite mad.

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Anyone over the age of 60 male or female should not drive. They can not be trusted to make a cup of tea let alone drive a car.


There's no hope for this Advanced driver, trainer and examiner, then. (How is it that the Age of Enlightenment passed some by?)

I'm up early 'cos us old'uns don't need a lot of sleep and I need to polish my Zimmer frame.

Wrong, I'm working today and tomorrow (Doncaster and Newcastle) so stay off the roads!


---------- Post added 18-07-2015 at 05:39 ----------


I started my own survey of the "worst drivers" this week (but then forgot, in my senility, or lost the interest to log my findings for the whole of the week!).

I can report that the worst driver, for me, from Tuesday - or was it Wdnesday - (up my backside, then went through a red light) was driving a Renault Clio.

There you have it, conclusive proof that the worst drivers drive French cars!


I drive an Audi.


My wife drives a Mini. Is that German?


How about German drivers, driving German cars in Germany?

Edited by DT Ralge
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Lets not mess about the make of car is irrelevant. I say anyone over 60 should not be driving.


---------- Post added 18-07-2015 at 05:53 ----------


Blue cars drive faster than green cars, but not as fast as pink. However silver cars do 100 mph on the motorway and red cars do 70. Stop this silly madness. This is what we need. NO ONE can drive over the age of 60! best for all!!!


---------- Post added 18-07-2015 at 05:56 ----------


WORST drivers


In short OAPS!

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On what information do you base this! [that drivers of German cars tend to be more aggressive / impatient]


I don`t think you`re actually reading what I`m writing are you ? To be frank I can`t be bothered to put the links on, again.


---------- Post added 18-07-2015 at 08:56 ----------


I'm sorry to be rude, you are probably a very nice person, but BARKING doesn't even begin to describe this. :loopy:


It`s not BARKING at all. I had the feeling years ago - Nov 2006 is when this thread started - that German car drivers seemed to be more aggressive, but at that time I didn`t know it for a fact. Eventually I set out to prove it one way or the other. It was very satisfying to prove I was actually correct, firstly in June 2011, and secondly in the first 6 months if this year. But, and this proves there are none so blind as those who will not see, it apparently made no difference to what others thought (as opposed to know). No matter, I now know I was (and am) right, that`s more important to me.

On whether spending time doing research is barking or sad or whatever, I don`t think so. I`ve always found it very interesting, far more so than watching TV or playing computer games or whatever other people like to do. Most of my research is in the field of TV aerials and installations, and I`m pleased to say that is appreciated rather more and read by far more people I hasten to add. But I still think the method I worked out to prove German car drivers break the speed limit more then non German car drivers is amongst the most elegant research I`ve done.


---------- Post added 18-07-2015 at 09:04 ----------


I drive an Audi.


Not all drivers of German cars are aggressive impatient wazzocks, I`ve never said they are, it`s just a greater proportion than drivers of non German cars.

Edited by Justin Smith
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My whole argument is that German car drivers tend to be more aggressive / less patient (i.e. [for driving on the public roads] worse drivers), and all my observations support this theory very strongly indeed.


Your observations don't support this at all. Unless you are redefining driving fast on the motorway as showing aggression and lack of patience.


---------- Post added 18-07-2015 at 11:11 ----------



It`s not BARKING at all. I had the feeling years ago - Nov 2006 is when this thread started - that German car drivers seemed to be more aggressive, but at that time I didn`t know it for a fact. Eventually I set out to prove it one way or the other. It was very satisfying to prove I was actually correct, firstly in June 2011, and secondly in the first 6 months if this year


Your 'proof' though is all to do with speed on the motorway. Not a measurement of aggressiveness at all.

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I don`t think you`re actually reading what I`m writing are you ? To be frank I can`t be bothered to put the links on, again.


---------- Post added 18-07-2015 at 08:56 ----------



It`s not BARKING at all. I had the feeling years ago - Nov 2006 is when this thread started - that German car drivers seemed to be more aggressive, but at that time I didn`t know it for a fact. Eventually I set out to prove it one way or the other. It was very satisfying to prove I was actually correct, firstly in June 2011, and secondly in the first 6 months if this year. But, and this proves there are none so blind as those who will not see, it apparently made no difference to what others thought (as opposed to know). No matter, I now know I was (and am) right, that`s more important to me.

On whether spending time doing research is barking or sad or whatever, I don`t think so. I`ve always found it very interesting, far more so than watching TV or playing computer games or whatever other people like to do. Most of my research is in the field of TV aerials and installations, and I`m pleased to say that is appreciated rather more and read by far more people I hasten to add. But I still think the method I worked out to prove German car drivers break the speed limit more then non German car drivers is amongst the most elegant research I`ve done.


---------- Post added 18-07-2015 at 09:04 ----------



Not all drivers of German cars are aggressive impatient wazzocks, I`ve never said they are, it`s just a greater proportion than drivers of non German cars.


But that's just it, your links have no factual, relevant, scientific basis. It's your thoughts on a few, what you consider to be crap driving.

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Your observations don't support this at all. Unless you are redefining driving fast on the motorway as showing aggression and lack of patience.


Your 'proof' though is all to do with speed on the motorway. Not a measurement of aggressiveness at all.


Speeding, by definition, is showing a lack of patience and/or aggression. How could it not be ?


My "proof" isn`t all to do with speeding on the motorway. Since December 2014 I`ve been recording the make and model of every car I see exhibiting "bleedin` hell !" driving. That is to say driving so bad one involuntarily utters "bleedin` hell !". The good news is that there isn`t actually as much of it as one would think. These days I only do about 8,000 miles a year but even so, in 7 months there have only been 20 incidents. However, 12 were Germans cars, that`s 60%. I know there`s no objective measure of aggressive driving, but just so long as I apply the same criteria to both German and non German cars that doesn't actually matter, just so long as I make some effort to be unbiased. Since German cars make up 20 to 25% of cars on the road that`s a huge imbalance, and proves they tend to be driven by more aggressive drivers. What other explanation could there be ?


---------- Post added 20-07-2015 at 13:49 ----------


This is so funny. The extrapolation of this is that when I'm driving my merc or my golf I'm a rubbish driver, but when I'm driving the fiat or the Landrover I'm fine. I am sorry and lovely as you are it's bonkers.


I`m sorry I`m right.

I think you`re forgetting the words "tend to", as in the fact German cars tend to be driven more aggressively. How else would you explain the fact they`re driven over the speed limit significantly more often on the motorway and are guilty of a disproportionally high amount of the really bad aggressive driving on the roads ?


---------- Post added 20-07-2015 at 13:54 ----------


Any car that young asian lads drive.....Abbeydale Road is a fine example for a total disregard for other drivers or traffic rules.


This may back up your observations but he driving in Bradford really is absolutely appalling. Including possibly the worst piece of driving I`ve ever seen......


I don`t know whether this is totally relevant to a thread on what type of car the worst drivers actually drive but the worst car drivers are found in Bradford. We drove through there on the way to Keighley (what a drag that is, is there a faster way than right through Bradford.....) and I can see why car insurance in Bradford is the highest in the country. I`ve never seen so many lawyers adverts / signs for "had a crash make a claim" and when you combine that with the worst driving I think I`ve ever seen high insurance is what you get.

One car cut us up.

Next a black Honda overtook us whilst we were in a slow moving queue and cut the corner whilst turning right and narrowly missed a car coming in the other direction, I still don`t know how he missed him....

But the worst example is probably the worst driving I can remember seeing. We were in Manningham in a stationary queue for a set of lights when a white Porsche Panamera (a German car.....) went past on the inside doing at least 20 mph. I say on the inside because we were in the inside lane ! He was half up on the pavement ! ! What we couldn`t work out is where he went because about 50 yards further on there was street sign which would have stopped him going any further in his half on the pavement drive off. If any pedestrians had been crossing through the stationary traffic (worse if there`d been a van or tall 4WD with blacked out windows blocking the visibility) it`d have been Goodnight Vienna. It was a young Asian bloke with two mates, we`d just seen him parked up earlier, yes he was also half up on the pavement (on double yellows) there.....


And it was a German car.....


---------- Post added 20-07-2015 at 13:56 ----------


But that's just it, your links have no factual, relevant, scientific basis. It's your thoughts on a few, what you consider to be crap driving.


You think that because you either haven`t read them, or don`t know what factual / scientific basis means. As such, to be frank, I think it`s a bit pointless debating with you on this.

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