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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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So, to summarise. You've seen someone who's driving badly. This includes them speeding.


In what way is it a surprise that an aggressive, poor driver is willing to speed in a 30 zone?


I get the feeling that you want to say that since this driver was speeding and driving badly, that all drivers who ever speed drive badly. Is that what you wanted to say or imply? If not, then what point were you making?


Not only that, what car did he drive! We are generalising here for crying out loud!


Edit - by the way, if you witness a lot of 'bad driving' with people becoming aggressive in their overtaking, it could well be that you are the bad driver as you frustrate the life out of people who don't think doing 20 in a 30 zone is a great benevolent thing.

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Your opinions then. I'm the old lady driving a Honda Jazz!!

I live surrounded by country lanes. One, in particular, over about a 1 mile stretch, has poor camber on entry, quite steep bumps and hidden dips, a very narrow tight bend which is tree-lined and no means of "escape" and with no means of seeing on-coming traffic, a narrow hump-backed bridge and a T-junction. It's a quite busy road with a fair share of HGV's and not unusual to come across horse riders and farm tractors. For whatever reason it has a 50mph speed limit.

So, in that 1 mile stretch, I come to the 50mph speed sign, followed within yards with a "slow" sign, followed by a "beware horse riders" sign, followed by a "hidden dip" sign, followed by a "bad bend" sign, followed by a "public footpath" sign, followed by a T-junction sign and, in a couple of places arrows to indicate "no overtaking".

Taking all that into account and knowing I could suddenly come across a HGV and/or horse riders and/or farm tractors, I choose to drive at 40mph. I argue that in doing so, I know I'm more capable of dealing with what lies ahead and I can drive consistently without constantly accelerating and decelerating. Does that make this old, female, Honda Jazz driver a "worst driver on the road"? :(:(

Further to my earlier comments I have to admit that the very hardest thing I find to do is sticking to an exact 30mph!!!

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I get the feeling that you want to say that since this driver was speeding and driving badly, that all drivers who ever speed drive badly. Is that what you wanted to say or imply? If not, then what point were you making?


Er, all drivers who are speeding are driving badly. Emergency services generally excepted.

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You clearly never did 32 in a 30 zone. You are an exemplary driver.


I might have done, maybe, I take driving pretty seriously and always try to stick to the limit, (according to my speedometer). If and when I have exceeded the limit I was obviously not properly controlling the vehicle and was driving badly. Particularly since it is likely that my speedometer indicates a speed several mph higher than I am actually driving.

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Er, all drivers who are speeding are driving badly. Emergency services generally excepted.




The speed limit of the snake pass was reduced a while ago from NSL (60 for cars) to 50.

Did driving at 55mph suddenly become dangerous on that road? Was what was previously good driving suddenly transformed into bad?

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The speed limit of the snake pass was reduced a while ago from NSL (60 for cars) to 50.

Did driving at 55mph suddenly become dangerous on that road? Was what was previously good driving suddenly transformed into bad?


Not being able to keep to the speed limit makes you a bad driver. And yes it might be more dangerous, the limit is generally set for a reason and thinking you know better is presumptious arrogance, 50 will almost certainly be safer than 55.

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