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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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Do you think he knew he`d pulled out on me ? If he did know then you`re right there`s nothing positive going to come out of flashing him. But if he didn`t realise he`d done so do you not think he should have been told ? In the vain (very vain.....) hope he may learn and not do it again ?


To be frank I think flashing someone is really quite mild. Sitting behind them with your horn blaring, that`s aggressive.


He might have seen you and thought "Ill go anyway" or he didnt see you. What did flashing your lights get you (apart from potentially assaulted). Did it make you feel better? That wave of self righteouness washing over you? He might have been off to see a dying reletive, or more likely just been one of 60 odd million eejits in this country who cant drive, cant see or dont give a toss. And those people hate it when some smart arse points out the error of their ways. You think he took it board and will modify his driving because you flashed your lights?


You had to break a bit. Nobody died. Calm down.

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I am aware of the other driver attempting to join. I can either move into another lane which *requires* someone else to take action to avoid a collision. (landrover doing 55mph is not something to try and insert into a fast flowing lane) or Audi muggins can do what he's meant to do, which is actually look at the lane he's joining. He didn't do either - I'm confident he never even looked over his shoulder at all.


I can either brake - which doesn't help if he slows down, or speed up and he could speed up... Never a good idea to second guess what they are going to do...


I am actually totally on your side here, I was just being a pedant as indicated by the tags :D


Anyway, rule 147 of the highway code seems relevant at this point:


Rule 147


Be considerate. Be careful of and considerate towards all types of road users, especially those requiring extra care (see Rule 204). You should

•try to be understanding if other road users cause problems; they may be inexperienced or not know the area well

•be patient; remember that anyone can make a mistake

•not allow yourself to become agitated or involved if someone is behaving badly on the road. This will only make the situation worse. Pull over, calm down and, when you feel relaxed, continue your journey

•slow down and hold back if a road user pulls out into your path at a junction. Allow them to get clear. Do not over-react by driving too close behind to intimidate them

•do not throw anything out of a vehicle, for example, cigarette ends, cans, paper or carrier bags. This can endanger other road users, particularly motorcyclists and cyclists.

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Ones that stick in my mind...


Joining the motorway, or fast dual carriageways... you are meant to match your road speed to the conditions and join. So why do some many people just drive down at whatever speed and move over, even when there is obviously a car actually in the way? Not even close behind or front of them but actually side by side. Do they now really think it's up to the people on the road to move over for them?


Had one person try it - wanted to join at J36, so came up and tried to push me over. Iw asnt moving - lane 2 was empty but there was a fast car coming up behind and if I'd moved hed have to move, and Id not be having chance to indicate much...


So the stupid **** in the Audi - who could either have eased the throttle or gone faster drove into the side of me. Then proceeds to decide it's my fault because I didn't move and he'd got nowhere to go. This is shouted in my face from three inches away whilst he's trying to force his way into the car....



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He might have seen you and thought "Ill go anyway" or he didnt see you. What did flashing your lights get you (apart from potentially assaulted). Did it make you feel better? That wave of self righteouness washing over you? He might have been off to see a dying reletive, or more likely just been one of 60 odd million eejits in this country who cant drive, cant see or dont give a toss. And those people hate it when some smart arse points out the error of their ways. You think he took it board and will modify his driving because you flashed your lights?


You had to brake a bit. Nobody died. Calm down.


Good job I wasn`t adjusting my stereo then ! This is the sort of thing that people who pull out on other cars, or walk out in front of cars, thinking "I know he`s got right of way but he won`t hit me" should remember.......

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For you definitely. If you had been adjusting your stereo and had hit him you'd be looking at a driving ban for careless driving.


That may or may not be true. But there are two points here. Proving it, and, if someone has been seriously injured or killed, what compensation is that to them anyway ?

The wider point is that, although a driver is in charge of a lethal weapon, no drivers concentrate 100% 100% of the time. That`s just an unfortunate, but indisputably true, fact. People should build that into their calculations whilst driving, or indeed crossing the road.

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That may or may not be true. But there are two points here. Proving it, and, if someone has been seriously injured or killed, what compensation is that to them anyway ?

The wider point is that, although a driver is in charge of a lethal weapon, no drivers concentrate 100% 100% of the time. That`s just an unfortunate, but indisputably true, fact. People should build that into their calculations whilst driving, or indeed crossing the road.


Yet you are the one who is constantly going on about how bad drivers of German cars are etc, so I would expect your driving to be near perfect. My German car has stereo controls on the wheel so I can changing channel and volume without ever taking my eyes off the road, can you say the same?

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Yet you are the one who is constantly going on about how bad drivers of German cars are etc, so I would expect your driving to be near perfect. My German car has stereo controls on the wheel so I can changing channel and volume without ever taking my eyes off the road, can you say the same?


I think we`re getting side tracked here. I used the example of adjusting ones stereo as just that, an example. I might just as well have said changing the CD, or being distracted by ones child in the back.


Both my Ford and my wife`s Toyota have the stereo controls on the steering wheel.


I`m not a perfect driver, nobody is. In fact anyone who thinks they are shouldn`t even be on the roads, they`d be a danger to themselves, and, far more importantly, other people.


I have never said all the drivers of German cars are bad, not even the majority of them (excluding Audi R8 drivers), just a higher proportion than drivers of non German cars.

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