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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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Busy taking notes whilst driving. Remind me, what kind of car do you drive?


But if I had to explain it, I'd say confirmation bias.


You may well be an expert where aerials are concerned, but your previous posts about driving have proven that this isn't your subject.


Again, it`s like having a domestic and being persistently misquoted. Where does it say I make notes whilst I`m driving ?

Answer ?


You just made that up.

Are you sure you`re not a Brexit politician under cover ?


Your point about confirmation bias is more relevant. Which is why I went to some lengths to avoid it. When I do any research I want a true answer, even if it doesn`t support my initial hypothesis. What`s the point of doing research otherwise ? Every time I was considering whether to count any particular incident I asked myself, if that had been a non German car (or vice verse) which had done that would I include/exclude it ? If anything any bias probably went the other way.


I`ve not had an accident in 25 years. More to the point, I`ve never injured anyone in a car accident in my entire driving career.



---------- Post added 18-01-2017 at 09:15 ----------


Justin, I'm really not having a go at you intentionally, but I could hypothesise anything and then ask you to explain it. However, I will play along:

One explanation for your figures is conformational bias. You believe that German cars are driven more aggressively, so when you go out trying to count the cars who are aggressive you subconsciously notice the German cars more as they support your hypothesis. You might not even be aware you are doing this. This is why double blind(not even the testers know which sample is which) testing is used for the majority of trials involving people who might have power to affect the results simply by their body language or actions.

I'd say my explanation is the most likely. Although as a driver of a German car, perhaps I also have confirmation bias, then again my view is backed up by independent evidence.


The point about confirmation bias, see above.


Incidentally, I`d guess from your moniker you are a woman. So I don`t really understand why you feel I`m getting at German car drivers anyway (which I`m not as it happens, not most of them), because in the list (gets worse the further down you go) you`re excluded pretty early on :


All Cars

Cars driven by men

German cars (plus many Vauxhalls)


Audi R8s


It`s interesting that I don`t tend to have men getting all aerated because I`m saying they`re worse (as in more aggressive) drivers than women, so why do some of those on the entry below get so upset ?

Edited by Justin Smith
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For 2015 I noted down all the worst examples of aggressive driving.


It's like having an argument with someone who can't say what they mean.


So now you didn't note down ALL the worst examples, because you didn't take notes whilst you were driving... Or perhaps you can keep a list in your head for extensive lengths of time and never forget anything?

Or you never drive, and made these notes as a passenger?

Or you were actually sat looking out of your front window?


Your methodology is suspect, and when I say suspect, I mean it's completely nonsense. You didn't gather data in a systematic way, you didn't have a clear definition of what you were recording, you didn't have an accurate way of recording it and it's entirely subjective.


Oh, and not having had an accident or injured anyone doesn't make you a good driver. You've admitted and spent pages arguing on this forum that you lane hog the middle lane because you think changing lanes is dangerous. That behaviour alone makes you a poor driver.

Edited by Cyclone
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Oh, and not having had an accident or injured anyone doesn't make you a good driver.


I beg to differ. What possible definition could be more important ? I can`t think of one.


You've admitted and spent pages arguing on this forum that you lane hog the middle lane because you think changing lanes is dangerous. That behaviour alone makes you a poor driver.


You`re misquoting me yet again, I`ll answer this point then put you back on my ignore list because, not for the first time you`re getting tiresome and arguing with shadows just for the sake of it.

I have never said I hog the middle lane, I have actually stated, numerous times in fact, that I prefer driving in the inside lane, so long as I`m going to be in it for more than 20 seconds.

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I beg to differ. What possible definition could be more important ? I can`t think of one.




You`re misquoting me yet again, I`ll answer this point then put you back on my ignore list because, not for the first time you`re getting tiresome and arguing with shadows just for the sake of it.

I have never said I hog the middle lane, I have actually stated, numerous times in fact, that I prefer driving in the inside lane, so long as I`m going to be in it for more than 20 seconds.


That's a substantial gap to wait for before moving over to the inside lane. It sounds like classic hogging behavior.

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I beg to differ. What possible definition could be more important ? I can`t think of one.

Well, this explains a lot about your attitude I think.



You`re misquoting me yet again, I`ll answer this point then put you back on my ignore list because, not for the first time you`re getting tiresome and arguing with shadows just for the sake of it.

I have never said I hog the middle lane, I have actually stated, numerous times in fact, that I prefer driving in the inside lane, so long as I`m going to be in it for more than 20 seconds.


I'm not misquoting you, you spent pages trying to justify staying in the middle lane. You don't like people remembering these facts, so you deny them. Put me on ignore, it won't stop me pointing these out every time you make up another ridiculous driving thread or assertion.

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Again, it`s like having a domestic and being persistently misquoted. Where does it say I make notes whilst I`m driving ?

Answer ?


You just made that up.

Are you sure you`re not a Brexit politician under cover ?


Your point about confirmation bias is more relevant. Which is why I went to some lengths to avoid it. When I do any research I want a true answer, even if it doesn`t support my initial hypothesis. What`s the point of doing research otherwise ? Every time I was considering whether to count any particular incident I asked myself, if that had been a non German car (or vice verse) which had done that would I include/exclude it ? If anything any bias probably went the other way.


I`ve not had an accident in 25 years. More to the point, I`ve never injured anyone in a car accident in my entire driving career.



---------- Post added 18-01-2017 at 09:15 ----------



The point about confirmation bias, see above.


Incidentally, I`d guess from your moniker you are a woman. So I don`t really understand why you feel I`m getting at German car drivers anyway (which I`m not as it happens, not most of them), because in the list (gets worse the further down you go) you`re excluded pretty early on :


All Cars

Cars driven by men

German cars (plus many Vauxhalls)


Audi R8s


It`s interesting that I don`t tend to have men getting all aerated because I`m saying they`re worse (as in more aggressive) drivers than women, so why do some of those on the entry below get so upset ?



Sexism now too huh? You just keep digging Justin! :hihi:

Also, confirmation bias is almost impossible to eliminate as it's often totally subconscious, hence the double blind requirements on many tests.


---------- Post added 18-01-2017 at 10:19 ----------


I beg to differ. What possible definition could be more important ? I can`t think of one.



How do you know you haven't caused others to have been involved in accidents while trying to avoid a collision of your causing because you were making notes about how aggressively driving the Audi in front of you was...

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I beg to differ. What possible definition could be more important ? I can`t think of one..


I can.


The system of car control is a way of approaching and negotiating hazards that is methodical, safe, and leaves nothing to chance. It promotes careful observation, early anticipation and planning and a systematic use of the control to achieve maximum vehicle stability.



The System promoted is Information gleaned from Observation and Anticipation that result in Planning, Speed, Gear and Acceleration.


If you have not had an accident for those length of times, you could be a safe driver, or you could be a lucky driver. If that's your metric on judging your driving ability and your only metric then you are probably a lucky driver, and luck will eventually run out.


---------- Post added 18-01-2017 at 12:05 ----------


so long as I`m going to be in it for more than 20 seconds.


So that's you admitting to lane hogging then... which isn't really the mark of a good driver...

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I beg to differ. What possible definition could be more important ? I can`t think of one.




You`re misquoting me yet again, I`ll answer this point then put you back on my ignore list because, not for the first time you`re getting tiresome and arguing with shadows just for the sake of it.

I have never said I hog the middle lane, I have actually stated, numerous times in fact, that I prefer driving in the inside lane, so long as I`m going to be in it for more than 20 seconds.


Can't recall using that one in my commentary during my advance driving course! " I am adopting a position in the inside lane as I believe that I may be here for 20 seconds or more"

Advance driving is all about formulating a driving plan which constantly changes in regards to speed, position, observations, traffic conditions,weather and a host of other potential obstacles perceived through use of said observations.

Edited by monkey104
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