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The WORST drivers, which cars do they drive?

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  • 2 years later...

I'm off to the supermarket in a while. But you can all rest easy.


I've improved my driving beyond recognition in the last few months. All I did was give my Audi away and these days I stick to driving the Peugeot. Instant driving improvement.



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To anwser the OP question:

The worst drivers, which cars do they drive? 

It's not one specific make or model but an attachment, an additional identity plate, supplied by council's licencing department. 

Yup, you got it. 


Should force them all to have council monitored telematics.

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Having to drive a car that I am able to slide in and out of SUV’s suit my needs, however I notice far more in my lofty driving position and wondered if anyone could answer the following.


Why do circa 20% of drivers refuse to turn on any lights, no matter how bad the visibility is? Why do circa 10% of drivers never use their signals, and if you toot them ignore you or display the rods? :huh:

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The worse drivers are that lot on horse back . giving daft little limp wrist signals as though they are Royalty , Depositing  large piles of shiite all or and no sign of a bag to pick it up , 

They even go two a Brest some times and thats four times as wide as two cyclists who get shouted at .

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9 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

The worse drivers are that lot on horse back . giving daft little limp wrist signals as though they are Royalty , Depositing  large piles of shiite all or and no sign of a bag to pick it up , 

They even go two a Brest some times and thats four times as wide as two cyclists who get shouted at .

This really has gotten you on your high horse, hasn’t it? 

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11 minutes ago, spilldig said:

If you ever thought you job was a complete waste of time remember that somewhere in Germany there is an auto electrician fitting indicators to BMWs.

I had an X3 tdi, and used my automated signals, the make of car is irrelevant, it’s the make of driver that’s the problem.

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