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November 5th - Guy Fawkes

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Christianity really got going in what is now the UK in the 7th Century. It took over from Paganism and many Christian churches are built on the sites of Pagan places of worship.


Many of the Christian Holy Days were set to coincide with (or very nearly coincide with) the dates of the previous Pagan feasts.


Samhain occurs on 31st October/01 November. Samhain rituals include Fire Ceremonies in which an effigy of a human was burned. Samhain was 'replaced' by the Feast of All Souls (31 October) and the Feast of all Saints (01 November.)


The gunpowder plot was revealed to the authorities in an anonymous letter sent to William Parker, 4th Baron Monteagle, on 26 October 1605. During a search of the House of Lords at about midnight on 4 November 1605, Fawkes was discovered guarding 36 barrels of gunpowder—enough to reduce the House of Lords to rubble—and arrested.


26th October ... 4th November. Samhain is right in the middle of that.


No doubt the Christian Church was still interested in suppressing/supplanting Paganism (and the Church in England was certainly interested in suppressing Catholicism.)


The Pagans had a festival which involved burning an effigy of a man on 31 October. The King (Head of the Church of England) introduced a competing(?) ceremony which involved burning an effigy of a man [originally an effigy of the Pope] on 05 November.


Is that really a coincidence?


Samhain is the 8th spoke in the Pagan wheel ... the end of the year. Where I grew up, we celebrated 'Bonfire Night' but the bonfire was referred to as a 'Boudlo' - a corruption of 'Au bout de L'An' - at the end of the year. The effigy burned was a 'boudlo man'. Nothing to do with Guy Fawkes, or an event in another country.

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