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Settle my mind- what was that clinic(?)

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It was definitely Orchard Place Clinic. I rememeber going there with my Mum and baby sister. The baby would have a check up and then Mum would buy subsidised orange juice and Ostermilk formula. Mum could also get that horrible iron and malt stuff, the consistancy of treacle which we older kids had to take YUK !

Anyone remember that ?

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  • 6 months later...

Another memory jerker!1


I remember that clinic - do you remember the smell?? - antiseptic bleach or something - all hospitals had the same smell- which certainly is a lot better than the various odours you get now when you walk round a hospital.


Am i right but was'nt there a large council dentists on teh corner of Leopold Street and Church Street - it used to be on the Upper floors above Timothy Whites (for those of younger years, they were Boots the Chemists only serious competition) - what ever happened to them


I think the dentists in town closed down when the Charles Clifford Dental Hispital at Broomhall swung into action - now there was a place to fill any kids with dread - to go upstairs and be faced with a room with not one, but what seemed like hundreds of dentists chairs (bet there were only about ten or twenty really) - in those days the drills were all powered by electric motors connected by a complicated series of pulleys and cords - it seemed a really weird sight


I had to go for quite a lot of treatment at Charles Clifford when I was about nine or ten. My student dentist was Miss Dove - so how come efter all these years (45) I can remember her? - she was my first big 'crush' - I dont know what me made me more nervous - that dentist chair or the thought of meeting the loev of my life. All i can remember now is her smile, hair and eyes - she certainly made the whole experience seem a whole lot better.

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It was Orchard Place, Maternity and Child Welfare Centre

I worked there in the late 50'/60s. There was a smallpox outbreak and a polio outbreak while I worked there.


My job was to weigh the babies at the baby clinic, and make sure their charts were up to date. I used to travel to the outlying clics too. Ivy Lodge (burngreave) Handsworth, Wybourn, Darnall, etc. nice job


The building also housed Health Visitors, had a Maternity Clinic and very secret Family Planning. Only the married women were allowed to give out the limited contraceptives at that time behind closed doors. Very hush hush and as I was single was not allowed anywhere near. ( Years later I went back to work in the Clinics and it was very different, I think Sheffield was one of the first cities to give free family planning.)


We did anti-natal clinics, injections for abroad and up the lane was the shop which sold baby foods and vits codliver oil and malt and that lovely orange juice. You had to have your baby checked by Dr or Health Viisitor before you could buy the subsidised products.

Whiile I worked there (48 hr wk ) there was a polio outbreak and I remember doing the paper work for queues of hundreds of people, queueing thro the clinic and up the Lane and round by the Museum Pub ( by the way the yorkshire cricketers used that pub ) Injections at that time no sugar lump.


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I can remember going there in the late 50's for jabs and to have my teeth out, they were very unfeeling, you'd get horrible smelly gas that made you have nighmares and feel sick, then the 'nurse' (I use the name loosely) would shake you about by the arm to wake you up. I also went to have that freezing stuff put on a verucca it worked really well too.

I also got the lovely clinic orange juice and malt, as i was a 'free meals' kid.

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There was also a dental practice on Orchard Street. One of the practice's dentists was called Mr Cole, who eventually moved his practice to Fulwood when his partner retired.


He eventually retired himself, but I remember him being a very kind and gentle man, even though he gave you a 2d bar of cadbury's if you were good. What would they think these days.




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Originally posted by Banksia

It was definitely Orchard Place Clinic. I rememeber going there with my Mum and baby sister. The baby would have a check up and then Mum would buy subsidised orange juice and Ostermilk formula. Mum could also get that horrible iron and malt stuff, the consistancy of treacle which we older kids had to take YUK !

Anyone remember that ?

thanks...........its taken me 50 years to shove the memory of that vile, stinking, oozing ,malt ,to the very back of my memory


now i can taste it all over again, and im going to be siiiiiccccckkkkk!!!!!!

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Originally posted by depoix

thanks...........its taken me 50 years to shove the memory of that vile, stinking, oozing ,malt ,to the very back of my memory


now i can taste it all over again, and im going to be siiiiiccccckkkkk!!!!!!


Yes I can remember. It was cod liver oil and malt in a brown jar. It stank and it tasted even worse.


When I saw my mum going for the jar I would run away and hide under the table but she always found me. YUK

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Originally posted by Mo

Yes I can remember. It was cod liver oil and malt in a brown jar. It stank and it tasted even worse.


When I saw my mum going for the jar I would run away and hide under the table but she always found me. YUK

two nurses used to hold me down while the third one force fed me the malt,it still makes me feel sick just thinking of it:cry:
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  • 3 months later...
Originally posted by Striver

Dear All,

This has been troubling my mind (in a small way!) almost all my life. Please, can anyone help me?

When I was very young, in the late 1950s, I think I remember being taken to a place down a short, cobbeled(?) lane off, I think it's called Leopold Street (runs from the Town Hall - not to Library, not to City Hall, not Fargate - know the one? The good 'ol Buccaneer was on it!). Well about half way along this road on the opposite side to what I believe was/is the "Education Buildings" - i.e. almost opposite a bank of bus/tram shelters there was (not there now) this short dead-end lane running perpendicular to the main road - which lead to a clinic or similar. I want to know more about what this place was. I reckon it was right where the pub with the inside street was (now gone also?)!

I've never found anyone my age who remembers this place. Thing is, after both my parents died I found out I was adopted and I wondered if that clinic place was a place where various doctors etc. checked on the welfare of newly adopted children. Does anyone remember of know anything about the place??







it was orcherd street school clinic

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