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Settle my mind- what was that clinic(?)

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striver thanks for bringing the subject of the clinic up - for years i thouht i had imagined it, it one of those things you can only ask your parents, but mine have both sadly died - it's among many questions i now want answering!

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Bloomin eck.......I can remember that place from the early 1970's. I had to take my first born there but I can't for the life of me remember what for! I can remember the dark and dank feeling of the place though. I can remember trying to find it to start with and the memory that sticks in my mind is actually going down what seemed like a back alley off the main street. I don't remember names or faces but I do remember that I didn't like the place at all.

Reading the previous posts here just shows how far we have come today in a relatively short time. There were no prettily painted walls and carpeted floors back then. You did as you were told and no arguments. Mmmmmm.......I have shivers going down the back of my neck now.

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The Education Offices were on Leopold St and had clinics for eyes and ears seemingly. I know I went there for eye tests, I think it was once a year then. They put great "drops" in that were more like little tablets than drops to me. I first went when I was 11. Coming out after a check up and still almost blind cos of the drops, I walked smack into a lamp pole....ouch.

The Orchard Place clinic was where you went to get malt and cod liver oil and the concentrate orange for babies. We used to get fed "Virol" when the other stuff ran out....similar..

The orange was good though.


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Originally posted by Banksia

It was definitely Orchard Place Clinic. I rememeber going there with my Mum and baby sister. The baby would have a check up and then Mum would buy subsidised orange juice and Ostermilk formula. Mum could also get that horrible iron and malt stuff, the consistancy of treacle which we older kids had to take YUK !

Anyone remember that ?


Was this "Virol"? I had it and I gave it my son on my mum's recommendation. Lovely stuff! This was different from Cod Liver Oil and Malt. It was malt with some sort of vitamins and minerals added. You could dissolve it in milk warm milk, or give it from a spoon. I used to dip my son's dummy in it! (This wouldnt be recommended these days, but it kept him quiet!). We were both Ostermilk babies too!

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