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The Abbey at Woodseats about to take a turn for the worse


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For those who are interested I was dissapointed to find out who the new Landlord of the Abbey will be.


Most people around here remember when the pub was run by Ged, and it was a tremendos place. A lively community pub with lots of clubs and societies, and rather like being invited into someone's house. Ged retired and then the next lot came in.


They were much noisier and once had a band on, and loud discos and things like that. The clientele changed to noisier younger people and the older blokes felt less welcome. At christmas and new year they just closed and had a private party, most regulars were not allowed. In the past at chrismas the place was wonderful. They often made lots of noise into the early hours and I'm told were rude to anyone complaining. The famous bowling green had kids playing football on it regularly, and it was allowed to deteriorate.


This last year a new landlord has got the place running better again, in my view it has regained a little of the class boozer it had in Ged's days. But unfortunatlely he is retiring and the noisy lot are coming back.


Everyone I have mentioned this to is dissapointed.

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The "noisy lot" must have been doing something right for the brewery to ask them to come back.

Yes quite clearly they make more profit, but it is at the expense of the neighbours. You must realise that I am being very cautious about what I am saying here on this subject. I just wanted to see other people comment. There are 5 pubs in woodseats in all, and the abbey was always a special one with a great atmosphere. There is plenty of opportunity to have loud music in some of the others.

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I went in a couple of sundays ago and the beer was rubbish and one girl was serving.

To be honest this has happened more than once, bad service and beer will mean I will find somewhere else to spend my money.

To be quite honest this latest bloke does seem to be a little arrogant. And some of the older customers "of retired age" say that the staff take a long time to serve them and serve the younger people first. I never have a problem getting served in there.


They have bombadier on at the moment and I had a pint of it and it was good, I had some a few weeks ago too and it was ok then too..

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SOunds like a horrible pub - one to avoid ....


Are there any good pubs in Woodseats ? I have yet to try that area ....


Not now. Only average ones.


Shame about the Abbey - it could be a really good little boozer. I haven't been in for a few weeks, due to the beer being pretty poor. I really used to like this pub for the good beer and at a good price, same as the food. Both have suffered recently, so this of course, will put clientele off going there.


Service has always been an issue, but it seems to be getting better. As for the noisy lot, the pub does now attract a lot of the football crowd to watch games on the big TV's they have in there. I'm sure I heard that awful DJ playing last night. I take it they still have him on a Sunday night?!?

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