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The Abbey at Woodseats about to take a turn for the worse


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£4.25 a bottle ? Bend over sir !


I'll stick to my Aldi IPA £1.19 a bottle !



Unfortunately it's people like you that sit at home with their supermarket beer and virtual face-ache friends that are killing off pubs and destroying communities in this country.

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Unfortunately it's people like you that sit at home with their supermarket beer and virtual face-ache friends that are killing off pubs and destroying communities in this country.


well said and very true its happening more and more and also with food the tight gits wont pay a decent amount for food cooked for them cos they "can do it at home for under a fiver":roll:

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Think it went back to managed. Not taking what they thought it would. They will be trying to get a tenant for it to lease it back out you can bet.....


Spot on.


There is a "pub opportunity" sign outside now!


I remember when the lease came up before and from the ott read up you would think it was an absolute goldmine!


On prices I don't mind paying a bit more for a nice place but at the end of the day its a pub in Woodseats and not that special.


Been in spoons down the road a couple of times recently and its been packed,ok its not brilliant but its a hell of a lot cheaper every time you go to the bar and compared with sitting in the Abbey with virtually no customers the atmosphere is (slightly) better too!

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It's about time these pub co's died out. They are the bane of public houses. They pretty much choke out any opportunity to thrive because whoever runs the place is tied to a particular brewery/distributer for beer/food. which kills of any profit margin or any incentive to run the places. Enterprise inns are another pub killer for the same reason. Seems like a very poor business model.


Peoples tastes in pub experiences have changed in the past decade (and more) its not good enough to just chuck out generic beer/lager weak/strong for preference and semi standard pub grub. People don't want that anymore, and if they do they are catered for by places like weatherspoons. I have to admit though weatherspoons has grown and developed and do offer a very good choice of beer and food for a decent price (not a sales pitch).


People have been spoiled (for the better) with Micropubs and more Freehouses that are free of tie and can serve a greater selection of drinks to cater for many tastes. Ok those pubs might charge over £3 for those drinks but the pub co's expect people now to be paying £3.50 ish (roughly) for stuff like carling (other cheap crap lager is available) which if you chose to drink you wouldn't want to be paying those sorts of prices.


Its a shame really because as a Woodseats local I like The Abbey but I probably would choose Weatherspoons or Guzzle over it as there is more variety. It will be a shame if it closes permanently and turned into anything other than a pub.

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£4.25 a bottle ? Bend over sir !


I'll stick to my Aldi IPA £1.19 a bottle !


£4.25 for a pint; I didn`t say bottle. The bottles of Brewdog et al are cheaper, I`m sure. Personally, I don`t buy supermarket beer; I try and support pubs and independent retailers.

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Agree Spoons,though not perfect has developed a lot.


Have just been in London this week and searched out one of their outlets as it was the only time I did not feel ripped off at every visit to the bar.


Sorry but charging nearly £5 a pint for "regular" beers is a rip off in my book.


Spoons was less than £3 for the same drink and a really nice pub too.


Sorry to be off thread.

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Unfortunately it's people like you that sit at home with their supermarket beer and virtual face-ache friends that are killing off pubs and destroying communities in this country.


I disagree. Its the greed of the pubco's who dare to charge such a high price which are killing the pubs.


If also can charge £1.19 and make a profit how the heck can you persuade people to pay over x3.5 times MORE for a similar drink. I appreciate there are extra costs in running a pub with staff and distribution but that gap is too large and people are voting with their feet.

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