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Help! All my friends are couples!


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After getting sick of me moaning about the lack of men in my life, my friends are urging me to try one of those speed dating events but alas I have no single friends to go with. And no way am I going on my own!


There's something called a "lock and key" event at Revolution in a couple of weeks. Sounds a bit more relaxed than speed dating. Apparently on arrival the women are given a lock and the men a key which you then wear around your neck. The idea is while trying locks and keys, you get chatting to guys who take your fancy.


Any single girls in the same boat fancy giving it a try? I know this is a bit odd, asking total strangers if they want to go on a night out with me! We would of course email each other first and possibly meet beforehand.


Anyone interested, let me know. Perhaps we can get a small group together? :)

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Join the club Sharon - there are hundreds of us. I have male "on the shelf syndrome"


Just be thankful there are more single men than women!! I'm finding online dating/MySpace much better than speed dating.


Look out for SlimSid though :-)


You are joking about there being more single men? Everywhere I go there's loads of women and hardly any men ... and I don't just mean older ones, even in the under 40s there's always more women than men.


The situation is desparate! :D

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Oh, I shouldn't even be responding to this thread. It's making it a bit obvious. :hihi:


Maybe women out number men cos we live longer ?


I was going to say, are you sure you want to go to this kind of speeding dating event Sharon ? What if there's a bloke you fancy, but then the lock does not fit the key, what then ? No more excuse to chat the guy up. Ahh...


Maybe you should find the more old fashion, 5 minute interview thing. At least you'll give them all equal chances. ;)

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I was going to say, are you sure you want to go to this kind of speeding dating event Sharon ? What if there's a bloke you fancy, but then the lock does not fit the key, what then ? No more excuse to chat the guy up. Ahh...


Maybe you should find the more old fashion, 5 minute interview thing. At least you'll give them all equal chances. ;)


Moving on if the key doesn't fit isn't the idea. If it doesn't fit I can still carry on chatting to whoever if I like them. The aim isn't to find the right lock (though if you do you get entered into the raffle). The locks and keys are just an icebreaker. And a great excuse to extricate yourself from unwanted attention from a boring/ugly bloke "Excuse me I need to mingle and try a few more keys".


I've been to an ordinary speed dating event. It was ok but I thought this sounded a more relaxed way of meeting people.



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