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Anyone remember Park Baths


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I lived near it. It was near the Park library (which is hopefully still open :suspect:). We used to do swimming there on a Wednesday morning from Park Hill school. I earned my orange 'I can swim' badge there :) .


Where you used to live then Hecate?

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From memory we could obtain a book of white tickets to go to the baths during the school holidays. On reflection, I think this was to ensure that we kept de-loused!! because the green coloured (clourine) which was mixed with the bath water, in the main baths. Was always stronger during the School holidays. Does anyone know of Mick or Arther Denton, who lived at the time at 125 Windy House Lane? (1940 - 45)

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To Albert T Smith I also used to walk down City Rd from Manor Council School to the Park Baths clutching my white ticket I was'nt rich enough to have my own "cossie"and the trunks thet used to lend us always came off I hated Baths day Do you remember any of the teachers at Manor School ?like Mr Taylor, Mr Mudd,Mr Jones< Mr Ellis I remember two different Head Masters Mr Jackson replaced by Mr Kay I attended Manor School From

1928 til 1938 We must have been there at the same time I lived on Norfolk Rd, Near the park. I too am 84 years old

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To Albert T Smith I also used to walk down City Rd from Manor Council School to the Park Baths clutching my white ticket I was'nt rich enough to have my own "cossie"and the trunks thet used to lend us always came off I hated Baths day Do you remember any of the teachers at Manor School ?like Mr Taylor, Mr Mudd,Mr Jones< Mr Ellis I remember two different Head Masters Mr Jackson replaced by Mr Kay I attended Manor School From

1928 til 1938 We must have been there at the same time I lived on Norfolk Rd, Near the park. I too am 84 years old


A little bit before my time. I wasn't born until 1937 and that was at 137,Windy house Lane, Manor. But my Mother lived on Warley Road, her maiden name was South and she attended Manor Lane County School and attended St Adian Church at the bottom of Manor Lane.

I was to the Manor Born!!!

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going to the park baths brings back memories of my childhood a group of us used to go in the holidays we lived on the manor and used to walk over themanor fields then busit back. i can rember the changing rooms being along side of the pool.after we usedto call to the pie shop .if i can remember it wasa converted front room of a house.those little oval pies were the most delicious pies i have ever eaten

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Used to live on the parade of shops below the baths and used to go there about 3 times a week.

Pie and pea shop next door to us used to do a roaring trade.


As I remember there used to be an enormous brass turnstile you had to go through when you paid your money.

The baths were through a pair of swing doors and there was always a hell of a draught blowing through them.


Think that originally changing used to be in a series of cubicles along the side of the bath then separate changing rooms were built behind the shallow end.


That Pie & Pea on Duke Street was brilliant and run by a really lovely old couple. Still the best pie & peas that I have ever tasted. I never failed to go in there when I had been to the baths. Happy days. :bigsmile::nod::thumbsup:

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That Pie & Pea on Duke Street was brilliant and run by a really lovely old couple. Still the best pie & peas that I have ever tasted. I never failed to go in there when I had been to the baths. Happy days. :bigsmile::nod::thumbsup:


The old couple who used to run the pie and pea shop were in fact mother and son.

Percy and Maude Gray, the old lady was superb but plenty of folk used to reckon that the old fella was wierd.

Their shop was bought by the people who opened the Barracuda chip shop.

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