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Does Anyone Remember Sheaf Valley Baths


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I loved going, and yes i did jump!very frightening, also I hated the sirens when you had to get out, it was awful.

I can taste the frazzles (crisps) now that I used to get from the vending machine after....ah those were the days , carefree .............

Can remember the Rolf painting, but strange how I can not remember what it was.


it was a landscape scene with trees and an old wooden fence that drifted off into the distance it looked like the austrailian outback with lots of orange and yellow

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My friend and I used to go regularly on Friday after school. I remember jumping of the middle board and thinking I was drowning. A few times I climbed to the top splash and peered over the edge:o No way was I jumping off there! I used to love the chips from the cafe and the fizzy vimto from the machine. Wasn't the sarsparella drink vile though :gag:


I remember the Rolf Harris picture. I know it was near the big window but can't remember which side it was on. Didn't it have trees on it? and didn't Radio Hallam have live coverage when the baths were opened?


We used to get into the baby pool when we had been in the main pool for a while - to warm up.

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When Sheaf Valley opened there was some kind of promotion in the Star called somthing like 'swimming with Rolf' where you could write in and apply for a free swimming course. Does anyone remember this ???


PS. Rolf didn't swim or teach the class !!

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I was never brave or daft enough to go off the top splash. I'd go up as far as the second then when the handrail ran out I'd wonder what the hell I was doing lol


I don't rmemeber the main pool being that cold, just that the diving pool was cold so you'd haul ass and get out of it quickly.

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