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Do you buy extended warranties?

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I was surprised that PC world (it was an emergency Job that needed doing!) where I got a cheap Mac from asked if I wanted extended warranty. The cost turned out to be almost 50% of the computer itself. I declined as I for one don’t think they are value for money.


Do you buy them or think they are a rip off?

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It depends what the goods are and what value they are worth. I once bought a cheap monitor from PC world and they broke their backs trying to flog me warranty which was almost as much as the monitor. I told them that if it went wrong then I'll just buy another.

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I did on my last computer - my aunt paid for it.

this one - no - when i do the college course (or rather as sson as i learn) i'll rip out the "gubbins" of this one and put in a much better HDD, more RAM, and up the processor.


I think the only other thing we have ever had was a VCR back in 1996. We never used it though!

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It can be worth it sometimes, though.


I once bought a couple of AA batteries rom Curry's and paid £95 for the extra month's warranty on them.


Boy, was I glad did! They went flat after FOUR WEEKS of average alarm-clock wear and when I took them back they replaced them without question. Prompt.


Service with a smile, I say: or was it a laugh?

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Bought 2 over the years, both from Comet. One, for a Dyson, which I claimed on and they replaced all the internal bits first time and then major overhaul when it went again. (Won't buy Dyson again when I saw the number waiting for repair.) Second warranty was on a VCR, I never claimed and got the full refund 3 years later. So they do work, sometimes, but I'd not buy an extended warranty again unless for an expensive item.

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could be wrong but dont companys make most of their profit through extended warranties etc.??


They are a complete skank in my opinion how often is it you by a good quality item and it need repairing?i cant think of anything ive had to have repaires for many years.

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I know someone, ( I cant name them for obvious reasons ) who works in a department of a major high street retailer. That persons department is responsible for extented warranties.


That person will only buy extended warranties on goods under £100 as they get immediate replacement. But said person wont have any other type of cover.


Enough said


Phew, got right through that and didnt mention Sallys name once

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I once bought the warranty on a pc. It was delivered and the same evening before we had even unpacked it was stolen. I went back to the shop and was provided with another. Although they were understandably funny with me. Anyway about a week later all mine and my husbands bank cards etc were found outside the same store early one morning. Turns out it was something to do with the delivery men!

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